I loathe flying.... I especially hate flying US carriers.. and have particular hatred for US carriers flying domestic routes..
not because of any fear...
but because of comfort... and customer service issues..
Ive seen the airline industry in the US fall completely on its ass over the past 20 years.. there used to be a reasonable expectation of flights actually arriving on time.. that there would be decent care and service on the aircraft while in flight etc..
These days youre packed in like sardines.. youre lucky to get a cup of water and a bag of peanuts without the flight attendant treating you like dirt or getting upset because you asked for it.. and good luck actually departing and arriving on schedule...
Ive heard a million and one excuses about how putting more seats on planes, cutting out in flight meals, etc..etc.. make air travel more affordable, allow the airlines to better compete, etc...
Its a damn sad day... when Ethiopia Airlines provides you with the lowest cost option to East Africa.. and the quality of their aircraft, service, etc.. far exceeds any US carrier...
Or when flying Emirates is a 10x better option to get into the middle east than United, Delta, etc.. (cheaper, better service, more room in the cabin, etc..)..
Pretty damn state of affairs when a major US carrier cant even make the top 40 list of "best airlines"..
I mean.. freaking Aeroflot (a horrible airline) rated higher than United last year..
And its not like the US carriers arent making money... or need to treat you like crap to be profitable... theyre making plenty..
They (IMO) simply do it.. because they can (why not? we accept it.. and they make even more $$ in the process)...
Flying domestically, I dont have much of a choice... and usually end up on United or Delta...
but flying internationally.. sadly, I almost always choose to fly with a carrier that is NOT U.S. based (I get better service, more reliable departure and arrival, and lower cost tickets.. almost every single time..)..
/rant off