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Feb 13, 2015
Hometown, USA
I've only been here for a very short time, and already have learned so much from you all. Even though I've never met any of you (except SoCal Sailor), I see why so many are drawn to this awesome family. Which brings me to the whole point of this thread. Brother of the Year!
I know several of you have worn the title of "BoY", and I now know why. I've never met Ryan, but I can tell right away that he's a man with great character. If you need more proof, just see his blind review thread. I could really care less about his reviews contained in that thread. What strikes me most is the manner in which he has chosen to step up in this world, and be the father that is absent in his nieces life. I know that most of you are thinking that you would do the same in that particular circumstance, but it really takes a whole lot more than just saying that you would do the same for family. I will personally never know the meaning of being wrapped around a little girl's finger, but can only envy what it must be like to be such a huge influence in a little girl's life. My dad (God rest his soul 6-13-14), always wished that I had a daughter so that I'd be able to enjoy this blessing. Unfortunately, I will never know for myself except through my own niece who tugs at my heart strings (even though she has a little mean streak in her :)). It takes someone truly special to step up and do what he has done. I'm sure there are more out there that have done the same thing in similar situations, so I praise all of you. I've enjoyed my fair share of bantering with you Ryan, and you sir will always be welcome at my home. Same goes for anyone of you that give so selfishlesly of yourselves. I can now appreciate with greater respect, your title of BoY. Even though titles don't define who we are or who we become, I now know why some of you wear this title with honor. Congrats to you and many others who have been nominated as BoY by your fellow brothers/sisters. Here's hoping to meeting you all one day! Ryan, God bless you, your wife, your entire family, and anyone else like you. Your story has brought me a new found respect and appreciation for my parents who did the same thing for my best childhood friend in JR Highschool. In my humble opinion, it's not about the quantity or quality of posts or friends that you make here, it's about the quality in which a person enriches someone else's life other than there own. Here's to you brother (BoY)!
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
I've only been here for a very short time, and already have learned so much from you all. Even though I've never met any of you (except SoCal Sailor), I see why so many are drawn to this awesome family. Which brings me to the whole point of this thread. Brother of the Year!
I know several of you have worn the title of "BoY", and I now know why. I've never met Ryan, but I can tell right away that he's a man with great character. If you need more proof, just see his blind review thread. I could really care less about his reviews contained in that thread. What strikes me most is the manner in which he has chosen to step up in this world, and be the father that is absent in his nieces life. I know that most of you are thinking that you would do the same in that particular circumstance, but it really takes a whole lot more than just saying that you would do the same for family. I will personally never know the meaning of being wrapped around a little girl's finger, but can only envy what it must be like to be such a huge influence in a little girl's life. My dad (God rest his soul 6-13-14), always wished that I had a daughter so that I'd be able to enjoy this blessing. Unfortunately, I will never know for myself except through my own niece who tugs at my heart strings (even though she has a little mean streak in her :)). It takes someone truly special to step up and do what he has done. I'm sure there are more out there that have done the same thing in similar situations, so I praise all of you. I've enjoyed my fair share of bantering with you Ryan, and you sir will always be welcome at my home. Same goes for anyone of you that give so selfishlesly of yourselves. I can now appreciate with greater respect, your title of BoY. Even though titles don't define who we are or who we become, I now know why some of you wear this title with honor. Congrats to you and many others who have been nominated as BoY by your fellow brothers/sisters. Here's hoping to meeting you all one day! Ryan, God bless you, your wife, your entire family, and anyone else like you. Your story has brought me a new found respect and appreciation for my parents who did the same thing for my best childhood friend in JR Highschool. In my humble opinion, it's not about the quantity or quality of posts or friends that you make here, it's about the quality in which a person enriches someone else's life other than there own. Here's to you brother (BoY)!
Well said!