Give her a foot massage. Do some random act of service that is special to her. Watch a chick flick with her that she picks. Whatever her "love language" is...speak it! Hopefully that language is not restricted to spending. It shouldn't be.
I second thatOh, and I went to every doctor appointment I possibly could. It destroyed my saved up vacation time, but I always looked like a hero in the doctor's office when we'd be waiting next to all the other mothers there alone. I'm sure that helped me out on multiple occasions!
I have two kids. All I can tell you is tell her how beautiful she looks and find a way to stay out of her way and ask her if she needs anything all the time. Like before you go to bed because you are tied say "I think Im gonna go to bed. Do you need anything before I go." Also offer to rub her back alot or whatever she likes to rub. It can be tough not every woman or pregnancy is the same. Like my wife always hated spicy food till she got pregnant the second time with my son. Now she likes spicy food every since and that was like almost 10 years ago.Ok guys, here goes.
My wife is pregnant, which is awesome! What isn't so awesome is how irritable she has become.
Misunderstand one statement, nuclear blast.
Had a long day at work, nuclear blast.
Want to go to bed because I'm tired, nuclear blast.
You guys who have done this before know what I mean.
I love the woman with all my heart, and that is why I'm asking for some guidance.
I have about $40 left to my name until payday (then bills come, so I'll be broke), and instead of buying any cigars I want to do something that will make her feel important.
I've done flowers, chocolate and all that, so something different.
So gentleman who have been here, what can I do to make her feel like her world isn't ending and that she is the most important person to me?
Let's keep it realistic too. Remember, I don't have much money!
Thanks in advance, you guys are great.
Back rubs worked for me- most of the time...Ok guys, here goes.
My wife is pregnant, which is awesome! What isn't so awesome is how irritable she has become.
Misunderstand one statement, nuclear blast.
Had a long day at work, nuclear blast.
Want to go to bed because I'm tired, nuclear blast.
You guys who have done this before know what I mean.
I love the woman with all my heart, and that is why I'm asking for some guidance.
I have about $40 left to my name until payday (then bills come, so I'll be broke), and instead of buying any cigars I want to do something that will make her feel important.
I've done flowers, chocolate and all that, so something different.
So gentleman who have been here, what can I do to make her feel like her world isn't ending and that she is the most important person to me?
Let's keep it realistic too. Remember, I don't have much money!
Thanks in advance, you guys are great.