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How do yall deal with stress?

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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
Let's see....
Cigars - Check
Alcohol - Check
Porn - Double Check
Dark Room - Check

I joke.. Honestly my wife is a stress buster usually some snuggle time and some TV helps me out a lot. I'm kinda a softie. I don't care what we watch as long as I lay in her lap.
Once I read "Dark Room" I knew you were joking. But not until that point
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Jul 23, 2013
Until recently, drink. Not too much, but every night, as soon as I got home from work. Been doing it for 25 years and it didn't help the stress, just numbed me enough not to think about it (at least not until the morning).

Earlier this year my wife brought up some concerns about my drinking: I was less patient with her and my daughters, was working out less, sleeping poorly, watching a lot of TV. And I was still stressed out about work!

A few weeks ago I stopped drinking during weekdays. I didn't mention it to anyone, just did it to test my willpower. I always told myself I never drank a lot, 2-3 ( sometimes more) Monday-Friday, maybe a little more on the weekends. My wife reminded me this is considered heavy drinking and my tolerance was very high.

In just a couple of weeks of abstaining during the week I've lost 10 pounds, exercise 5-6 times a week, been sleeping soundly through the night, started reading more (and not falling asleep in 5 minutes!), and feel a lot more engaged with my wife and kids. The weekends are still fun, but drinking in moderation means no hangovers and more productive Saturday's and Sundays. And I don't miss the Monday to Friday ritual of drinking at all.

So now, to relieve stress I lift heavy weight and run.
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Mar 19, 2015
Baton Rouge, LA
Until recently, drink. Not too much, but every night, as soon as I got home from work. Been doing it for 25 years and it didn't help the stress, just numbed me enough not to think about it (at least not until the morning).

Earlier this year my wife brought up some concerns about my drinking: I was less patient with her and my daughters, was working out less, sleeping poorly, watching a lot of TV. And I was still stressed out about work!

A few weeks ago I stopped drinking during weekdays. I didn't mention it to anyone, just did it to test my willpower. I always told myself I never drank a lot, 2-3 ( sometimes more) Monday-Friday, maybe a little more on the weekends. My wife reminded me this is considered heavy drinking and my tolerance was very high.

In just a couple of weeks of abstaining during the week I've lost 10 pounds, exercise 5-6 times a week, been sleeping soundly through the night, started reading more (and not falling asleep in 5 minutes!), and feel a lot more engaged with my wife and kids. The weekends are still fun, but drinking in moderation means no hangovers and more productive Saturday's and Sundays. And I don't miss the Monday to Friday ritual of drinking at all.

So now, to relieve stress I lift heavy weight and run.
I need to follow this example. Sounds like my life.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
Until recently, drink. Not too much, but every night, as soon as I got home from work. Been doing it for 25 years and it didn't help the stress, just numbed me enough not to think about it (at least not until the morning).

Earlier this year my wife brought up some concerns about my drinking: I was less patient with her and my daughters, was working out less, sleeping poorly, watching a lot of TV. And I was still stressed out about work!

A few weeks ago I stopped drinking during weekdays. I didn't mention it to anyone, just did it to test my willpower. I always told myself I never drank a lot, 2-3 ( sometimes more) Monday-Friday, maybe a little more on the weekends. My wife reminded me this is considered heavy drinking and my tolerance was very high.

In just a couple of weeks of abstaining during the week I've lost 10 pounds, exercise 5-6 times a week, been sleeping soundly through the night, started reading more (and not falling asleep in 5 minutes!), and feel a lot more engaged with my wife and kids. The weekends are still fun, but drinking in moderation means no hangovers and more productive Saturday's and Sundays. And I don't miss the Monday to Friday ritual of drinking at all.

So now, to relieve stress I lift heavy weight and run.
Good on you Sean. While I didn't reach your level, nor am I even old enough to have done it for the length of time you did, I noticed I was drinking more than I know I should so I've cut it back to weekends. Well mostly, I'll have one or two beers if I'm at the b&m


Ruler of Grayskull
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Feb 15, 2015
Buffalo NY
I'm not afraid to admit that I use a daily antidepressant which has helped tremendously. I also have a prescription for Xanax that I use for really bad days and when in position of high anxiety events like kids birthday parties. Seriously, 15 kids running around in a circle bugs me out. I can still function fine but the edge is just taken off.

Other than that, excercise, reading, quiet days in the house with my kids, video games, and church are my non medicated ways to lower stress.
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Feb 4, 2015
Santa Rosa
I picked up boxing about a year or year and half ago and there's nothing that works better for me. Also after a couple of clean shots to the head (I'm not how you say....good) soon I forget why I'm even stressed! And who I am :punch:
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Jan 5, 2014
Arvada, CO
Depends on the weather but most times I get out rock climbing, skiing, sporting clays, downhill biking or gardening. I could go on but those are the main weekly ones. Just writing this makes me stress about how many hobbies (stress relief) I have haha