You guys that live near Cosby, TN "where the women have more teeth than the bears" should take a moment to reflect. I just got back from a terrible week in the UK where all the girls had either 16 chins or none at all. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WERE MOUTHBREATHERS with teeth best described as deadfalls and shitty Amy Winehouse hair. They were either so skinny they had AIDS or were so fat it almost guaranteed they didn't. Irish Traveler drama shows on every channel. Fortunately I'm back home now in the relative comfort of Seattle girls that could at best rank as "Miami 6's." I'm so jetlagged I gorfot the point I was trying to make other than I'm damn proud to be an American away from the sea of ugly bitches the rest of the world has to swim in (except SE Asia cos they got the tightest vaginas in the game!).