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Spilled Xikar solution on my cigar. Can I still smoke it?

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Jul 20, 2014
My cigar was dry so I put it in a travel humidor with the Xikar solution. I guess I poured in too much and it spilled on the cigar. Luckily it was mostly on the cigar band and that section of the cigar. Can I still smoke it? If not, can I still smoke the front half of the cigar?

I'm curious because I know the solution has chemicals although I have a feeling they're non toxic.
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Jul 20, 2014
Well I called Xikar and subsequently smoked my cigar. Nothing happened. Let this be reference that PG has no effect when smoked. Obviously I wouldn't know about large amounts but even when the cigar becomes wet, it's fine.

Mr. McSquirelly

Joe Bananas
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Mar 18, 2014
San Francisco, Calif.
Xikar Solution is simply a Water/PG Solution. It will not harm you or your cigar (once it dries). Many of the machine made cigars and almost all cigarettes are loaded with PG. It keeps them from drying out for a long time.
Propylene-glycol is tasteless, odorless, and harmless. It's a part of our everyday lives. Shaving cream, deodorant, shampoo. It's in ice-cream, sodas, and dairy products. It keeps food fresh. In fact, you could drink a whole bottle of Xicar solution and nothing would happen to you. But don't do it. In fact, you could dip that whole cigar in Xicar solution, let it dry, and then smoke it and nothing would happen to you. But don't do that either.