Ok, so I read this thread today and thought I'd give it a whirl. I went to a friend's diaper party about two months ago, and during the herf, a guy busts out a box of Sons of Anarchy that he'd bought for a poker party God knows how long before. Zero humidification. Kindling comes to mind. Anyway, he was adamant that I take one, so after two months in the recesses of my 65% humi, It started showing some (and I mean a little) pliability. Grabbed it today, and ran it under the sink for a few seconds, wiped it down, then dried it off. Fired it up, and to my surprise, it's smoking slow and wonderfully with just the slightest uneven burn. This is definately a useful trick
I didn't have the heart to tell the guy he's storing them wrong. Lol
EDIT: this is 45 minutes in.