Once you start making purchases they do start to accumulate. If you are feeling like smoking ROTT (right off the truck) do so, but what you can do is purchase a 5 pack smoke one instantly, wait a month or 2 and smoke another, 6, months, 1 year (do you like em still, buy more), 2 years. Now that is not exactly age per say, but it is a good amount of rest by the time you get to the last one. Obviously at the rate your smoking you're gonna need more than just 1 5 pack. Also browse the forum see what others are smoking and what they are saying about them, peruse reviews, and if something sounds like you may like it go for it. I think the best advice I can give to you (if you're new to this, which it sounds like it is), don't hop all over every deal you see on any given online retailer website and spending money on cheap boxes of whatever solely because it was cheap and they're was a hefty MSRP right next to it, you kinda tend to grow out of that stuff palate wise fast if it did ever interest you and then you got a bunch of cigars you never plan on smoking. If you stick around for a while the names of certain brands will come across more than a few times for good or bad, but usually good and that can give you some direction. I know this post kind of leads away from your question but all in all it boils down to buying, buying more than you can smoke instantly. Buy quality not quantity but make sure the quality smokes are being massed up in quantity.