After a week of playing catch up at work I now have the time to post some pics. I forgot to get the pictures my friends took, so these are all pretty one sided. I hope you enjoy.
Day 1, picked up my buddy Richard from Texas at Detroit Metro. He brought a gift of Montecristo Texas Edition cigars. Of course being a Texas Edition it's a great big 60x7. Here we are enjoying them that evening in my garage with some 21 year Balvenie.

Day 2, drove straight from Detroit to the CI Hamburg Superstore for the Arturo Fuente event. Carlos, unfortunately, did not show up but the AF reps (specifically Kevin) were top notch guys. Smoking some AF Hemingway Short Story Maduros followed by Pepin Blue Label both enjoyed with Yuengling Lager (otherwise known as just "Lager" in PA).

Day 3, a morning pipe sitting at a park bench outside our hotel. Richard is having a bowl of Sweet Vanilla Honeydew in a Nording Freehand. I'm smoking Dark Strong in an MM Mark Twain with Forever Stem.

After our morning pipe we went to the CI Bethlehem Superstore for the Perdomo event. I didn't take any pictures there but we did meet Nick and he is a very nice guy.
For lunch we asked a local we had been talking to in CI for a recommendation. He sent us down the road to a little hole in the wall joint for the best Philly Cheese Steak I have ever had.

That afternoon we met up with some fellow BOTL at Famous Smoke in Easton. I didn't think we were going to be able to make this meetup as we had plans to meet the rest of our crew that evening. They were delayed so we were able to attend the herf, though woefully unprepared. As you can see, they were ready for us though. Thank you guys for the great sticks and even better company.
I was sticking with beer but Richard had one of the best Bloody Mary's there I have ever seen. It came complete with a big thick piece of bacon and was properly made with horse radish. Here we are at the table...this is where the cigars are starting to blend together so I can't even remember what we were smoking.

The next morning we met up with the rest of our crew to go tour the Yuengling brewery. The morning started with breakfast but I'm not a breakfast guy so went across the street to a cafe for a bowl of Larry's Blend in a Malaga pipe. Richard is sticking with Sweet Vanilla Honeydew (he couldn't get enough of that stuff).

I didn't take any pictures at the Yuengling brewery but once I get my hands on the pics my crew took I can post some up. That said, if you are ever out that way the tour is highly recommended.
That evening was the DE Pipe event (no pics again....sorry). The DE and Tsuge tobacco up for sampling was OK but the event was quite entertaining. If you looked like you even half assed knew what you were doing you were an immediate celebrity. I'm not sure how many cigar smokers will be taking up the pipe after the event, but there were a few whose interest was piqued.
After the pipe event we visited the big tent for Alec Bradley and Rocky Patel. There was booze, cigars, and the blenders had give aways and a Q&A. There was also a ton of smoke.

Saturday was our last full day in PA and the day of cigarfest.
Standing in line my friend Jay buys a T-Shirt.

La Capitana

Shorty at the Diesel booth

The MOW special edition rolling table

and Lastly, here is the haul I came home with.

Day 1, picked up my buddy Richard from Texas at Detroit Metro. He brought a gift of Montecristo Texas Edition cigars. Of course being a Texas Edition it's a great big 60x7. Here we are enjoying them that evening in my garage with some 21 year Balvenie.

Day 2, drove straight from Detroit to the CI Hamburg Superstore for the Arturo Fuente event. Carlos, unfortunately, did not show up but the AF reps (specifically Kevin) were top notch guys. Smoking some AF Hemingway Short Story Maduros followed by Pepin Blue Label both enjoyed with Yuengling Lager (otherwise known as just "Lager" in PA).

Day 3, a morning pipe sitting at a park bench outside our hotel. Richard is having a bowl of Sweet Vanilla Honeydew in a Nording Freehand. I'm smoking Dark Strong in an MM Mark Twain with Forever Stem.

After our morning pipe we went to the CI Bethlehem Superstore for the Perdomo event. I didn't take any pictures there but we did meet Nick and he is a very nice guy.
For lunch we asked a local we had been talking to in CI for a recommendation. He sent us down the road to a little hole in the wall joint for the best Philly Cheese Steak I have ever had.

That afternoon we met up with some fellow BOTL at Famous Smoke in Easton. I didn't think we were going to be able to make this meetup as we had plans to meet the rest of our crew that evening. They were delayed so we were able to attend the herf, though woefully unprepared. As you can see, they were ready for us though. Thank you guys for the great sticks and even better company.
I was sticking with beer but Richard had one of the best Bloody Mary's there I have ever seen. It came complete with a big thick piece of bacon and was properly made with horse radish. Here we are at the table...this is where the cigars are starting to blend together so I can't even remember what we were smoking.

The next morning we met up with the rest of our crew to go tour the Yuengling brewery. The morning started with breakfast but I'm not a breakfast guy so went across the street to a cafe for a bowl of Larry's Blend in a Malaga pipe. Richard is sticking with Sweet Vanilla Honeydew (he couldn't get enough of that stuff).

I didn't take any pictures at the Yuengling brewery but once I get my hands on the pics my crew took I can post some up. That said, if you are ever out that way the tour is highly recommended.
That evening was the DE Pipe event (no pics again....sorry). The DE and Tsuge tobacco up for sampling was OK but the event was quite entertaining. If you looked like you even half assed knew what you were doing you were an immediate celebrity. I'm not sure how many cigar smokers will be taking up the pipe after the event, but there were a few whose interest was piqued.
After the pipe event we visited the big tent for Alec Bradley and Rocky Patel. There was booze, cigars, and the blenders had give aways and a Q&A. There was also a ton of smoke.

Saturday was our last full day in PA and the day of cigarfest.
Standing in line my friend Jay buys a T-Shirt.

La Capitana

Shorty at the Diesel booth

The MOW special edition rolling table

and Lastly, here is the haul I came home with.