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Weight loss surgery?

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Jun 7, 2011
My mother has had great success with gastric bypass. She's seriously down like 100 pounds.

That having been said, she had to go on a crazy protein shake diet for months before the surgery and lost significant weight doing that. When I asked her why she didn't just keep doing what she was doing she told me she "needed" the surgery to keep her honest.

So in her case, I get the impression that it's a crutch. But it's a crutch that works for her. She's very good at doing exactly what the doctor tells her and I think for her being told you CAN'T eat this and that because of the surgery makes it easier for her to make the right choices.


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
My ex girlfriend (of about two years) had the lap band surgery (in Chicago) she lost a lot of weight and has kept it off so far. There was too much saline in the band for the first year and she would always end up feeling sick from eating too much (which wasn't really too much as in overeating but too much for the band) or too quickly and she would have to throw up. Eventually she got some saline out and felt better but then she was able to eat too much and gained like 20lbs back. So she went and got it adjusted again. Sometimes the band slips. I went to two Christmas parties at the doctors office and some of the people lost weight while others gained it all back. This is why I think to myself, what's the difference? If it's not fool proof, and a good amount of people end up gaining it back, well, it just seems like unnecessary surgery. youre still gonna have the wild cravings with the HD. Maybe it is the thing you need.. Just think it through long and hard brother.


BoM May '11
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Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
Two of the ladies I work with have had the surgery as well. Both put back on everything they lost and then some. It really does require a long term life altering commitment and if you are able to stick to that as others have said I hope it works out for you. Either way, I admire your courage in sharing it with us and am glad we can all discuss things like this as a brotherhood.


Ruler of Grayskull
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Feb 15, 2015
Buffalo NY
Hey brother, I suggest you watch Fat Sick and Nearly Dead on Netflix. If you truly are going to commit yourself to sticking to a diet after surgery than watch this first and commit yourself to doing something before surgery. I have an aunt that did the lap band surgery and thought she was going to commit to her diet after surgery, she lost a few pounds afterwards but it was only because she could only eat smaller portions. She didn't change the way she ate and still ate junk food and unhealthy foods. That isn't going to allow you to drop the weight just because your eating smaller portions, you have to choose healthier foods. I've had an uncle and a good family friend both pass away from complications to the gastric bypass surgery. My uncle struggled with making healthy choices as well and felt like the surgery was the only option, my aunt tried to talk him out of it because she knew how she struggled with loosing weight after her surgery but he chose to do it anyways. These surgery's you can't go back from, you can't undo what is already done so I strongly suggest you weight out all your options before going through with surgery.
I've had two uncles get lap-band surgery. Both were extremely overweight (400+ lbs on 6'5'' frames). One lost about 70 pounds, but has slowly gained it back over the last 10 years. The other lost about 50lbs and then gained that and another 50 back. He's going in next week to have the lap band removed and then in another month or two for some other kind of surgery (I think they are removing part of his stomach or something). Point is, surgery is not a silver bullet. It's easy enough to eat like crap with the band. I'd echo @Jesse above and focus on making the changes first, then see if surgery is the right call.

I'm not trying to discourage you, just sharing my second-hand experiences. It's great that you're thinking about your health and your future. Make sure to talk it over with your doctor and maybe a nutritionist as well.
There was two ladies had surgery at work, they lost a ton of weight but didn't stick with the diets and within a year or so they both gained it all and then some back. It's all about the commitment.
This is the biggest problem with these surgeries that I've seen. Two people I've know at work had it done. One lost a ton of weight and then gained it all back, another seems to slowly be gaining it back.

Btw, Jason, you're not that big bro. The people I've seen get this done are morbidly obese.


Ruler of Grayskull
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Feb 15, 2015
Buffalo NY
One other thing I was thinking about, if you have to make a complete lifestyle change for these surgeries to work, wouldn't just adopting that lifestyle without surgery work as well, but at a more natural and healthier rate? I'm not anti surgery, but it seems a lot of people go back to their old habits and dropping a ton really fast and gaining it back can't be healthy.

Jason, I'll support you either way, just make sure that if you do it, you are 100% committed for your health.(y)
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Jan 31, 2015
Buffalo, NY
One other thing I was thinking about, if you have to make a complete lifestyle change for these surgeries to work, wouldn't just adopting that lifestyle without surgery work as well, but at a more natural and healthier rate? I'm not anti surgery, but it seems a lot of people go back to their old habits and dropping a ton really fast and gaining it back can't be healthy.

Jason, I'll support you either way, just make sure that if you do it, you are 100% committed for your health.(y)
Thanks brother. I appreciate the words of caution and encouragement. I'm not going to go about it half-cocked; in fact, you and the other brothers have given me a lot to think about here (that's why I asked for input). The problem with me is, I have failed so many times in this "lifestyle change" endeavor that I'm getting desperate. Really concerned about my long-term health, given my medical history. I'll do incredibly well for 8 months and lose 40, 60, or 80+ pounds (I've done it many times now). But invariably, the hunger and weight come back. That's why I've gotten so discouraged in the battle and am considering the surgery. Anyway, that's the gist of it...


Ruler of Grayskull
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Feb 15, 2015
Buffalo NY
Thanks brother. I appreciate the words of caution and encouragement. I'm not going to go about it half-cocked; in fact, you and the other brothers have given me a lot to think about here (that's why I asked for input). The problem with me is, I have failed so many times in this "lifestyle change" endeavor that I'm getting desperate. Really concerned about my long-term health, given my medical history. I'll do incredibly well for 8 months and lose 40, 60, or 80+ pounds (I've done it many times now). But invariably, the hunger and weight come back. That's why I've gotten so discouraged in the battle and am considering the surgery. Anyway, that's the gist of it...
I hear you brother, I'm a yo yo myself. I keep bouncing 40 lbs around non stop.
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Jan 5, 2011
Dallas, TX
My sister's doctor told her that after a certain point, your body simply readjusts to the extra weight and it becomes impossibly difficult to lose the weight.
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Sep 9, 2014
North Haven, CT
My sister's doctor told her that after a certain point, your body simply readjusts to the extra weight and it becomes impossibly difficult to lose the weight.
I'll preface this by saying that I'm an Management Consultant, not a doctor or a nutritionist and by saying that I'm at least 100lbs overweight myself, but the above strikes me as BS. Calories in vs calories out. If you consistently eat less than you burn, you pretty have to lose weight. Or so it seems to me.

Not saying you're making it up, @SailorAg (I'm sure you're not), but saying I would take that doctor's advice with a huge gain of salt.
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Jul 23, 2013
I'll preface this by saying that I'm an Management Consultant, not a doctor or a nutritionist and by saying that I'm at least 100lbs overweight myself, but the above strikes me as BS. Calories in vs calories out. If you consistently eat less than you burn, you pretty have to lose weight. Or so it seems to me.

Not saying you're making it up, @SailorAg (I'm sure you're not), but saying I would take that doctor's advice with a huge gain of salt.
What's actually BS is this whole "Calorie in Calorie out" myth. I'm not a medical doctor, but I am a trained Scientist with an advanced degree in Biology. I've taken quite a few Biochemistry classes in my time and have read mind-numbly boring papers on the subject. Here's a good layman's read on the "Calorie in Calorie out" myth that's pretty easy to follow. A simple Google search will pull up many more:
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Feb 7, 2015
Mechanicsburg, PA
Good luck whatever you choose. About 8 years ago I was very overweight. Took me 18 months but I lost 180 lbs through sheer determination and had work. No surgery. I went from 400 lbs to 220 lbs. Now I still fluctuate up to 250 at times if I am not careful. But I try to keep similiar habits that I maintained for my weight loss. It never is easy. Good luck bro!
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Apr 9, 2015
I had the gastric sleeve done 2 years ago. I dropped 180 lbs in a year (6 mos prior to 6 mos after) i screwed it up and gained about 100 back. Unfortunately being a paramedic in a busy system promotes fast foods and eating way too fast. Im in the process of renovating a house but toward the end. When im done i will get into the gym and eat better. I have to. I enjoyed life much better 100 lbs ago
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
I am not being a jerk, I am not trying to tick anyone off, I am just asking a serious question and it doesnt matter how I think it in my head, it sounds like I am being a smarty pants, BUT, I am NOT. so dont get mad and send me a bunch of hate mail..... I asked those 2 ladies at work, after they had the surgery and they agreed with me that this is a very legit question and they are both nurses.
If you have to make a serious, long lasting life/diet change and you know you MUST stick to it for the surgery to work and you told us you are going to do that and stick with it. Then my question is, why not google a good diabetic diet ( I am diabetic and those diets will get the weight off) get on one with your doctors help, loose the weight and then make that life style change and stick with it just like you will after the surgery and save yourself the stress on your body of having to have surgery and the risks that come with it. I know for a fact it isnt easy cause I had to loose a ton when the diabetes thing arrived at my door step, but it CAN be done and I just think it would be a better alternative than surgery and you still need to make the commitment to keep your eating habits in check. I lost 70 +or-. Somedays it is a major job to keep it off, but its all about the way ya think after you loose it either way.
OK get the bags of rocks and start throwing my way, I probably deserve it:)
I just hate to see you go through surgery man. Thats major spooky to me.
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Jan 31, 2015
Buffalo, NY
I am not being a jerk, I am not trying to tick anyone off, I am just asking a serious question and it doesnt matter how I think it in my head, it sounds like I am being a smarty pants, BUT, I am NOT. so dont get mad and send me a bunch of hate mail..... I asked those 2 ladies at work, after they had the surgery and they agreed with me that this is a very legit question and they are both nurses.
If you have to make a serious, long lasting life/diet change and you know you MUST stick to it for the surgery to work and you told us you are going to do that and stick with it. Then my question is, why not google a good diabetic diet ( I am diabetic and those diets will get the weight off) get on one with your doctors help, loose the weight and then make that life style change and stick with it just like you will after the surgery and save yourself the stress on your body of having to have surgery and the risks that come with it. I know for a fact it isnt easy cause I had to loose a ton when the diabetes thing arrived at my door step, but it CAN be done and I just think it would be a better alternative than surgery and you still need to make the commitment to keep your eating habits in check. I lost 70 +or-. Somedays it is a major job to keep it off, but its all about the way ya think after you loose it either way.
OK get the bags of rocks and start throwing my way, I probably deserve it:)
I just hate to see you go through surgery man. Thats major spooky to me.
Thanks Griz. You make a valid point here. Obviously you've been through the weight loss thing, so you're not coming from a position of ignorance. (y) I've got a lot to consider before I do anything...
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Apr 21, 2015
I've really never have been over weight but I've changed my ways of eating so I could look and feel great..... With that being said the biggest thing is it's a lifestyle change either way you go. Some of the hardest parts is exercising and eating habits. They'll be hard days where you think you can't do it but on the other hand they'll be great days and people will say man your looking great or what have you been doing to loose weight and they'll ask you for some help. To me that's when it pays off, when from personal experience you can help change someone else's life. With either way you go I hope you can stick to it and with a great supporting cast you'll accomplish it.

Sorry for the long post and not truly about surgery
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Jan 31, 2015
Buffalo, NY
I've really never have been over weight but I've changed my ways of eating so I could look and feel great..... With that being said the biggest thing is it's a lifestyle change either way you go. Some of the hardest parts is exercising and eating habits. They'll be hard days where you think you can't do it but on the other hand they'll be great days and people will say man your looking great or what have you been doing to loose weight and they'll ask you for some help. To me that's when it pays off, when from personal experience you can help change someone else's life. With either way you go I hope you can stick to it and with a great supporting cast you'll accomplish it.

Sorry for the long post and not truly about surgery
Thanks for the input brother!! (y)
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
I had an ex girlfriend that had it done a few years before I met her. She lost a lot of weight but gained about half of it back. She ate small portions because she had to but ate more often. She had major complications medically because of it. IBS started almost right away among other digestive issues. She was always feeling lathargic because what she ate was not what she should have.
I am not saying that this is always the case as everyone is different and you may be able to hold out. Based on what you have told us about your cravings and the "yo-yo" I just worry that it may not be what it has been built up to be.
This being said, no matter what your decision I will back you 100% because that is what BOTL is. You have been a great brother and know that I will be around to talk to or encourage if needed. I am glad you are taking your time to really think about what the right choice is for you. Best of luck in your process.
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Jan 31, 2015
Buffalo, NY
I had an ex girlfriend that had it done a few years before I met her. She lost a lot of weight but gained about half of it back. She ate small portions because she had to but ate more often. She had major complications medically because of it. IBS started almost right away among other digestive issues. She was always feeling lathargic because what she ate was not what she should have.
I am not saying that this is always the case as everyone is different and you may be able to hold out. Based on what you have told us about your cravings and the "yo-yo" I just worry that it may not be what it has been built up to be.
This being said, no matter what your decision I will back you 100% because that is what BOTL is. You have been a great brother and know that I will be around to talk to or encourage if needed. I am glad you are taking your time to really think about what the right choice is for you. Best of luck in your process.
Thanks a million Eran...