I think we need to set some ground rules on terminology. Yes, the blend is the same. Meaning they used the same leaves from the same priming from the same farm. No, the proportions and differences in the smoking experience caused by the change in size/shape CANNOT possibly be the same. Therefore, it is a "tweaked" Las Calaveras 2014, as you wish, because the Las Calaveras only exists as such in the 5x50, 6x52, and 7x54. I think some of you may be getting the Las Calaveras 2014 confused with the La Imperiosa, available in 5 3/4 x 46, 4 1/2 x 52, 6 3/8 x 50, and 5 1/2 x 54.
Also, I believe "false advertising" is pretty strong considering the article you cited was Halfwheel, an independent company in no way affiliated with Crowned Heads.