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30th Bday

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Mar 15, 2014
Chambersburg, PA
I'm sure there is a post or two like this on here, but being lazy and not searching.

My 30th is on Tuesday, not really excited or concerned about it either.

My question do you smoke cigars you've never had or go to true favorites? I have never smoked an Opus but have one a brother gifted me, so do i smoke some ultra premiums or smoke cigars I know I like.
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Mar 15, 2014
Chambersburg, PA
Oquick update. So my wife on Saturday had us go to a local brewery that we normally hang out. It was a surprise party for me with friends and family. This was awesome, she literally plans nothing, I mean nothing. While there we did the whole cake thing no she handed me a piece of paper which was a planned trip to Boston. We have been wanting to visit and planned a whole trip. I was totally blown away.

End of the story is no smokes yet probably this weekend when we return. Stay smokey my Botl