They are not selling a short filler cigar with a new band, and saying its a long filler premium smoke. They are selling premium cigars, such as the Camacho Liberty, and putting a different name on it. According to Half Wheel, the MSRP for the Camacho Liberty was $16.60, but Lost and Found is selling it for $14.00. I may be wrong, but just because the smoke isn't being steeply discounted doesn't mean that the price is irrational. To follow your same analogy, it would be the same as taking a BMW engine, placing it inside an Acura body, and selling it as a Lexus. You are getting a premium product, and you are paying a price that is commensurate to the item. Yes, you may not know what the original item was, and the cigar may not be one that you like (thats why we have reviews on BOTL), but it is still a premium product. Also, they are telling you that they are taking the engine from one car, and placing it inside the body of another car. There is no deception.
And, at the end of the day, the consumer decides. Don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking you or trying to be negative. I just disagree that Lost and Found is doing anything wrong.