There it is. That's a picture of the first and only cigar that I've smoked in 2015. A beautiful Cohiba Esplendido from June of 2014. That's the box code of my son's birth.
This past year has been insane. Those of you who are parents already know this. The way your life changes when you have a child is something you can never be prepared for. But the unconditional love that you have for your child when he or she is born is unmistakable. Never did I ever think I would or could love something or someone so much. I love my wife more than anything, but that is different. You all get what I mean, right? Anyways what a year it has been. My son Jack was born 9 weeks premature back last June. It was touch and go for a bit, there were some scary moments, and TONS of time spent in the hospital. There were times I didn't think that I or my wife would make it. But here we are. One year later. One year older. My son is doing great. You'd never know he was premie. I thank God every day for the love and support that my friends and family have shown me and my wife. It's truly remarkable the blessings that I have in my life. Wow............ Wow.
Anyways, if this post seems convoluted or spacey, it is. I can't even begin to wrap my mind around everything I am blessed with. And sometimes it takes a good cigar to remind you of that. And sometimes you have to share these thoughts with your brothers. With your family at BOTL. This place is special. I come and go. I lurk. I'll check in multiple times an hour for days on end and then won't check it for two weeks. Either way I always come back. Anytime I smoke a cigar I am reminded of how special this place is and how I can truly call you all brothers. I've been fortunate enough to meet some of you. To each that I have met in person, thank you for being true friends. To those I haven't met, I'd love to smoke a cigar with you.
Speaking of cigars. The Esplendido was awesome. I don't have much experience with Cohiba, but this was good. Definitely has the potential to be special. Twang, grassiness a bit of balancing sweetness (can't place it specifically) and a touch of lemon. Definitely looking forward to how these progress. 1 down. 24 to go.
1 down. My son is 1. Crazy to think about. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Your brother,