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Fuente Fuente Opus X??


WTF is a Donk?
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Sep 1, 2006
Seymour, CT
I recently smoked my first Opus X, I've read alot about it, and thought I would really enjoy this smoke. But I smoked it and it was an enjoyable smoke but it wasn't a mind blowing cigar experience. I thought that the Opus X was supose to be the best of the best of cigars. I am ordering 2 more on friday, another XXX belicoso and a Perfection X, I'll keep trying them but was some what disappointed in the smoke after everything I have read about the cigars.

Tell me what are your thoughts on this.

They are some of the most expensive cigars, and very sought after but what makes them worth the price? Maybe I need to smoke some more too.


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
O.K. here goes. Opus is a limited distribution cigar, only so many made and Fuente carefully doles out which stores get what. I like these cigars. In particular, I like the Forbidden X series. They need to rest very much like a habano to gain their full potential. I have heard two and five years. SInce I can't remember that long I usually smoke them younger than that although I have 6 or seven that actually have a year on them. Its a puro which is rare in NC's. All Dominican which also boosts the price. Lots of gouging out there on this cigar. He in CA a double corona is about $30 to $35 bucks if you can find them. Part of that is tax but most becasue they can charge what they want. Remember, limited distribution.

Now the flavor. I would call it a full bodied cigar. Smooth with hints of cherry and chocolate. It has some kick but my system is fairly used to nicotine these days so I would not call it an butt kicker. Others would. This cigar is an eye catcher. You want someone to know that your a aficianado? Just flash a big ole Opus and every one understands that you can distinguish a great from a good cigar. Value. There are many cigars that are better or equal but cost appreciably less.

For me, its one I have to have in my humi. I like the smaller cigars as the big ones really get tarred up on me. Reminds me of where I was ten years ago. Hope this helps.


The One, The Only
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Jan 19, 2006
Sarasota, FL
This hobby is subjective. I've had many cigars that were considered great by others, that I deemed unsatisfactory to my palate.

Just because a cigar is expensive does not make it great. And don't let anyone tell you that you're not smoking right if you don't like X or Y cigar.

Smoke what you like and like what you smoke. Don't try to keep up with the Jones.


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
Very well said Jason, what I like u may think is shity, so to each his own ..........


2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
I think that Opus, more then any other brand, suffers from being over-hyped and inflated expectations lead to what you experienced Donk.


BoM Sept. 05
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Jan 11, 2005
Roxborough Park CO, Soon to be Wapiti, Wyoming
I can honestly say I have never had and Opus that I liked. I do agree with CWS that they probably need age, and I have not had one with much age on it, but it would have to blow my socks off considering their price. I don't think this would happen. I have enjoyed on numerous occasions the Fuente Don Carlos.

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
The Opus X, like many of the finer Fuentes, is a somewhat subtle cigar...that is to say, it's not a "FREIGHT TRAIN OF FLAVOR" like so many popular maduro NCs. It takes a somewhat more developed palette to completely enjoy a subtle cigar as opposed to one that just ramrods flavor down your gullett.

Now, make no mistake: I'm not saying that any normal Joe-schmo can't enjoy an Opus X; I'm just saying that those with a more developed/trained palette are more likely to notice the complex subtleties, and therefore are more likely to rant-and-rave about the cigar, and therefore are more likely to give it spectacular reviews.

The very first Opus I had didn't blow my socks off, either...but over time, as I developed my palette, I continuously gained greater appreciation for the cigar.

I now LOVE the Opus X, and have half-a dozen in various vitolas in my humi at all times.


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
i like this smoke!! i have learned to let them age (does 3 months count as 'age'?:yes: ). much better! i have heard tell that fuente has THE BEST marketing scheme, getting $20 for a $3 stick. i still like them!!

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Oct 22, 2005
Gainesville, FL
I love opus x and forbidden x. I like them young and I like them with age. I currently have three boxes that I am aging right now with over a year on them: power rangers, fuente fuente, and perfection #4. I have recently tapped into the power rangers and fuente fuente, and the power rangers still have a problem staying lit, but they both taste fabulous.

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
...getting $20 for a $3 stick...
Man, some of y'all are getting KILLED on Opus prices.

I pay anywhere from $8 to $16 for the small-to-normal sizes (like, up to a Perfecxion X). Granted, the really large sizes cost much more, but honestly I typically spend about $12-ish for my typical stick.
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Sep 14, 2006
Ewing, NJ
I never pay more than MSRP for Opus, and for that I am very fortunate. If I was paying those insane prices, I would never smoke them. However, their unique jalapeno spiciness that I love so much from the Fuente Fuente and the Power Ranger make them worth the price of admission every so often.


BoM August '07
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Dec 16, 2004
Sterling, CO
I sat on some power rangers, super belis, and DCs for a year and a half and they were excellent! I do think that sometimes the burn is not the best, and that they do benefit from a bit of sleepy time.
Due to lack of a good Opus vendor nearby (only B&M that has them sells reserva d'chateaus for $22/pop), I don't get to smoke these as much as I'd like.
I do love the ashes on these things, tho. I've never seen another cigar (besides an Anejo) smoke the whole way through without ashing.


Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
From Moki's wonderful www.vitolas.net website:


Fuente Fuente Opus X cigar MSRPs

1. "A" (9 ¼" x 47) ...................................... MSRP = $25.00
2. Double Corona (7 5/8" x 49) ................... MSRP = $14.50
3. Reserva D'Chateau (7" x 48) ................... MSRP = $12.50
4. Perfecxion No.2 (6 3/8" x 52) .................. MSRP = $13.50
5. Perfecxion X (6 ¼" x 48) ......................... MSRP = $11.50
6. Petit Lancero (6 ¼" x 39) ........................ MSRP = $9.50
7. Super Belicoso (5 5/8" x 52) .................... MSRP = $11.50
8. Fuente Fuente (5 5/8" x 46) ................... MSRP = $9.00
9. Robusto (5 ¼" x 50) ............................... MSRP = $10.50
10. Perfecxion No.4 (5 3/16" x 43) ................ MSRP = $8.25
11. Perfecxion No.5 (4 7/8" x 40) .................. MSRP = $7.50
12. xXx aka "Power Ranger" (4 5/8" x 49) ..... MSRP = $8.75

MSRP does not include state sales tax, nor state tobacco tax, the latter of which can be quite significant.


I have found that my retailer sells very close to MSRP, usually within a dollar or so (at least, after my club discount). Unfortunately, they don't always have them in stock, and when they do it's usually limited to just one or two sizes.


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Unfortuneatly MSRP means little when around here they can charge what ever they want. Pharmgator, that fine brother sent me some a while back that were very fine. Youall are lucky in the southern states. I think I paid msrp at Holts but could only pick up one of each. Had a box once I picked up in Hawaii. I understand today what a find that was.


<b>Lead Moderator</b>
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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Yeah but replacing all those tires from running over armadillos going to the B&M nust really run up the cost:stretchgr


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lol, honestly, I don't know that I've seen any armadillos since moving here. You'd be more likely to run over a prairie dog

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
There aren't a lot of armadillos way up north in the Texas panhandle.

Around here, if you get outside the city limits, you'll see a roadkill armadillo every couple of miles.


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I used to live in Austin and it didn't matter what road you were on, Dilla's be dead everywhere

there is a surprising lack of roadkill here, but that's probably due to the fact that nothing lives here