That's funny :rofl:What? Do they just hang a "Closed" sign on the welcome to colorado one?
Looks like we have some coming but nothing like what CO is getting.Well we r used to a lil snow here in MN, But shutting the state down, mmmmmmmm , :dunno: Hey Todd How u guys doing, looks like the storm is headed your way also, I just saw on the new were I-80 is closed in NE.. Welcome to the midwest Bro....
Come on out!Better than miles and miles of corn fields. I would literally shoot myself.
Dang Mike...that sucks.ALL roads North, South, and East are closed as of this writing. I am down in Pueblo at work not able to get home since Tuesday. My wife and son are at the ranch snowed in with a blizzard still raging until noon today. We have drifts of up to 8 feet at the house, so depending on how well the son can get our road opened up with the tractor, and how soon the county gets to our roads (usually 2-3 days after something like this), I can try to go home.
DIA, the Denver airport is closed and now not projected to re-open until tomorrow morning. Approx. 150,000 travelers will not get to where they wanted to by Christmas. The USPS has cancelled all mail delivery and receipt through at least tonight.
When I was a long haul trucker, long ago, in a galaxy far away, I saw this happen more than once. They have large gates that they swing across I-25, I-70 and I-76. If the airport shuts down, the state is literally closed.Hey one of my customers just called and said they were all abandoning ship due to heavy snows and that the Governor had closed the state. You Colorado boys OK out there?
WHAT! NO CIGARS GOING THRU. :bigeyes:ALL roads North, South, and East are closed as of this writing. I am down in Pueblo at work not able to get home since Tuesday. My wife and son are at the ranch snowed in with a blizzard still raging until noon today. We have drifts of up to 8 feet at the house, so depending on how well the son can get our road opened up with the tractor, and how soon the county gets to our roads (usually 2-3 days after something like this), I can try to go home.
DIA, the Denver airport is closed and now not projected to re-open until tomorrow morning. Approx. 150,000 travelers will not get to where they wanted to by Christmas. The USPS has cancelled all mail delivery and receipt through at least tonight.