How is it? I've been dying to try one.Celebrating the first morning of vacation on The Cape
Great beer that would compliment most cigars nicely. The Robaina was good but you can often tell when Cubans still have some maturing to do and this one would fit that description. Good now...great by this time next year.Great pairing right there. Lmk how that smoke is doing, still pretty fresh being a 14 box code.
I haven't seen that thing in forever, I remember smoking that a long time ago when me and my buddy got our first desktop with 10 cigars from CI. Haha I hope you enjoyed it man! I enjoyed that flashback!I never understood what people meant when they said a cigar was creamy until I smoked my first Torano. It's the only word that seems to work for it though. View attachment 68029
UPDATE: These things are soooooo damn good!
Brown Labels, 10th Anniversary Belle Encre, Tat Black Label Corona Gorda, Petite Cazador Reserva (aka crack sticks), El Triunfador's and La Riqueza are tasty, any year TAA's are money, the new Anarchy's are great. verocu after a long day of work and meetings. Thanks to @jerseyjetset for pointing me toward Tatuaje. I need to find more from them. Suggestions?View attachment 68033