BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
Just throwing this out there if it can help anyone that normally doesn't have access to cigars, events etc. My local lounge is having a My Father event tonight with Pepin Garcia in attendance. I'd like to support Pepin and buy a box of cigars, but I've been on a buying freeze while house shopping and honestly don't buy NC's now days. Plus I have a bunch of old My Father cigars sitting around getting all crusty on me anyway. lol
I'm not sure yet what all will be available, but prices will be 20% off box purchases plus they normally get some event cigars, or extra free ones. There is no added taxes so 20% off. I have no idea if that is better than what you can find at typical online sites.
If you think you might have any interest, let me know and we can be in touch through texting once I get there and I'll let you know what is good, prices and what swag is available. If this thread is out of line mods, please delete it. Just thought if I can help someone get some cigars at a decent price with event cigars while also supporting Pepin, I'm all for it.
I'm not sure yet what all will be available, but prices will be 20% off box purchases plus they normally get some event cigars, or extra free ones. There is no added taxes so 20% off. I have no idea if that is better than what you can find at typical online sites.
If you think you might have any interest, let me know and we can be in touch through texting once I get there and I'll let you know what is good, prices and what swag is available. If this thread is out of line mods, please delete it. Just thought if I can help someone get some cigars at a decent price with event cigars while also supporting Pepin, I'm all for it.