Well, I admire your decision. It's not the one I might have gone with, but I think my situation is a little different. I've been smoking ceegars for something like 44 years...I've been riding motorcycles for 47 years, had a profession that many would consider dangerous for many years...but along the way, I've been divorced a couple of times, and my current wife and I have just an eight year history. By the time I had met her, my ways, good and bad, were pretty much set in stone.
To my way of thinking, if my now-wife, previously girlfriend...obviously...had come into my life and then tried to change my ways, that would have been a red flag, and we would not have progressed to marriage. Yes, I can modify my ways a bit to adjust, that's compromise, and good relationships are based upon compromise. If you come into a relationship where the other party has certain foibles, either accept those foibles or...get out.
In my case, it worked out fine. My wife loves riding motorcycles, enjoys hearing stories...what VERY few I ever share...about that profession...and enjoys a smoke of her own from time to time...mostly taking a hit off of one that I'm smoking that smells good to her. So Paul, it looks like your cigar smoking is a fairly new thing, she doesn't like it, kudos to you for giving it up. It's the right choice as long as everything else in the marriage is good.