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Anyone read comics?

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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
Hey everyone, if you read comics, just wondering what you're reading?

I'm looking for some new stuff to read.
Lately I've been reading:
Sons of the Devil
I've got Deadly Class on deck

Not really into the capes and tights stuff, FBP so far has been my favorite read of the year.

Whatcha reading? Any suggestions?



It's dangerous to go alone, take this.
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Aug 15, 2015
Walking dead is def. Good...also if you haven't read Chew its amazing. Other series I'm into right now are east of West, black science, bedlam(huge fan), Lazarus, and the Manhattan projects.

As you can possibly tell I pretty much only read image titles. Other than that. There are comic versions of my favorite book series the Dresden Files which I would highly recommend, and the heir to the Empire starwars books.

The Munt

Observe everything. Listen intently.
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Mar 29, 2015
Karalee, QLD, Australia
Hey @StogieJim if you haven't read Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" series of graphic novels (totally a comic) they are really awesome.

Really dark but a unique journey!

It's a really weird twist on some old fables, myths etc. The main character being Dream (Sandman) with all these other lords, destiny, desire and his sister is death... They revisit fables like Cain and Able, there are some visits to hell with familiar demons, beelzebub and things like that. I would love to buy the set but I borrowed from a mate and they seem to be increasing in value through the years.

Definitely worthwhile. Amazing art work and a total head F@&$!
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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
Walking dead is def. Good...also if you haven't read Chew its amazing. Other series I'm into right now are east of West, black science, bedlam(huge fan), Lazarus, and the Manhattan projects.

As you can possibly tell I pretty much only read image titles. Other than that. There are comic versions of my favorite book series the Dresden Files which I would highly recommend, and the heir to the Empire starwars books.
Thanks a lot man! I actually just bought Chew Vol 1 this past weekend because it looked interesting. The others you mentioned are also on my to read list, we have the same taste! Image puts out great stuff.

Hey @StogieJim if you haven't read Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" series of graphic novels (totally a comic) they are really awesome.

Really dark but a unique journey!

It's a really weird twist on some old fables, myths etc. The main character being Dream (Sandman) with all these other lords, destiny, desire and his sister is death... They revisit fables like Cain and Able, there are some visits to hell with familiar demons, beelzebub and things like that. I would love to buy the set but I borrowed from a mate and they seem to be increasing in value through the years.

Definitely worthwhile. Amazing art work and a total head F@&$!
That sounds awesome! I think I may pick this up very soon!

I still read Archie.
Ha my wife reads the new series now too! She just picked up number 2 and she says it's really good thus far!