Sadly, wasn't here for any of that...I hope it'll start up again...Remember when there was a Brother of the Month and that Brother got to pick a cigar of the month?
Yeah what happened to the cigar of the month? Just withered away I presume.Remember when there was a Brother of the Month and that Brother got to pick a cigar of the month?
Ohh I remember well.....pretty sure Chris @Stogie_Bear remembers too!!Remember the Bear Clan?
I'm sure he does! The shellacking he got after he bombed @Wicket eariler in the year isn't easily forgottenOhh I remember well.....pretty sure Chris @stogiebear remembers too!!
Yeah, @CVAC085 comes to mindRemember when noobs just bombed people and let their bombs do the talking instead of talking how much they are going to bomb people?
Shots fired!!!!
Going on a week without myself for the same.I remember when I had some bronchitis shit and couldn't smoke for a week and a half. So glad thats over with!
Absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing!Finally had time to snap a few remember when's.....
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