Agree 100%Have seen this story play out many times from BOTL who had wives/GF's that demanded an ultimatum from them which always gave me a headache. While I understand that there are rational concerns from our wifes/GF's there is always the other side of life and what we choose to live with. Quality....quality of life is not just a commercial we watch on TV or read about in's an actual part of life that comes in slices like a pizza....I tend to look for quality in everything I choose to do and that's my barometer. My wife and I had the talk before we ever married and she understood how I felt about my hobby...and I try to honor her by not walking around and smelling like an ashtray as I am a hygienic person. To be fair each partner must give the other some room to seek that quality and to berate the other is not a's a dictatorship whereby one uses their will to overshadow the other. There is compromise and both should seek it so that a built up resentment doesn't appear later on. Health issues can be an issue but if one is going to worry about future health issues that aren't already there then live your life in a bubble...don't drive a car...don't eat sugar...don't drink alcohol...don't follow a bus or diesel truck...don't piss in the wind...don't fly on airplanes....the list is endless but quality of life only comes in thin slices. Whatever the choice is that is made...ensure that there is sound logic behind it or else regret is around the corner. JMHO