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More Officers Killed in the Line of Duty.

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Oct 3, 2013
Tampa ...ish
Great thread. Not sure how I didn't see it until tonight.

For those who care to see the updated list:


(If posting that link is a violation, please remove with my apologies)
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
Today at 2206 we lost a NYPD officer.

He was injured in the line of duty... Bleh, RIP to him and prayers to his family
33 years young with 5 years on the force. A member of the NYPD Housing Unit. It hits hard when I find out that I have a few friends there tonight too. My heart sinks for all involved. Rest in peace officer.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
one of the toughest days of my life was spent in May, 2010 when I learned that an Officer I had helped train (was cadre during his SWAT course.. and was one of the guys responsible for him during his probationary period right after he came out of the FTO program) was killed in the line of duty.. outside of work, we were friends.. he helped me remodel my kitchen.. we had several meals/beers together over the years, etc..

he was gunned down by extremists on a "routine" traffic stop (there is nothing routine about traffic stops in reality..)..

barely made regional news.. no one outside the immediate area seemed to care that two cops were shot multiple times right on the side of the busiest interstate in north america by an extremist group wielding AK's.... and that a follow on pursuit involving dozens of cops from numerous agencies took place (city, county, and state).. with the incident ending with a large scale shootout (hundreds of rounds fired) in the middle of a wal-mart parking lot in a major metro area suburb.. with additional officers being injured before the two perpetrators were killed (one of which was a juvenile).... you couldnt get CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc.. to cover the story.. or to care..


but God help us if some cop oversteps his boundaries and tases someone when it wasnt justified causing an unintended death..

Something like that can happen in Atlanta.. and be important enough to get picked up as a major story in the NY Times, Huffington Post, and all the major cable news media outlets.. .. (not defending such an action... just saying that brings national media attention.. even when the cop is found to have not acted criminally, and is only being charged civilly..... but two cops being killed by extremists and a follow on large scale gun battle in the middle of a parking lot full of innocents... that would make a hollywood shootout scene look tame... is pretty much forgotten about at the local level in less than 30 days.. and is never even noticed at the national level to begin with... simply not "newsworthy" I guess..)...

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Jun 8, 2015
Hopefully the times will be changing soon and the police will better be able to safely do their job.
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Sep 4, 2015
Great thread guys. Ty to all the brothers on here that serve, either in law enforcement, military, or first responders.
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May 11, 2007
I have never been a LEO nor would I ever want that type of job. We as Americans have failed our LEO's. Angry Bill mentioned earlier about the media and their reporting of LEO matters. Youtube and Social Media have shed a different light on LEO's. Law enforcement officers are either not being trained properly or they are a very different breed from the Norman Rockwell LEO's of yesteryear, it is for each person to decide which. There are hundreds if not thousands of YouTube Videos showing LEO's violating people Constitutional Rights. People always say that "there are good cops and there are bad cops". Social media doesn't care about anything but their own ratings. The vast majority of Americans do not want to see OUR LEO's get hurt or killed. But you have to admit there is a problem and it is only going to get worse. Look at today in Colorado Springs FIVE LEO's shot by one lone gunman. Is it a failure to properly train LEO's? Or is it a hate against LEO's? Or is it a mistrust of LEO's. Either way the the numbers have to come down, any deaths should be unacceptable. Rant Over. Peace.


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
or is it LEO second guessing themselves due to the insane scrutiny. it only takes a split second of hesitation and you're dead.

good to see you Jim!

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
People that have never walked in th shoes of a LEO or a warrior, have no idea of the split sEcond decisiOn making that is requir d to do the job. I know that in my 25 years, I ran scenarios in my head over and over, as well as trained constantly to be prepared for situations. I also trained my deputies over and over to nature they were prepared. But, unfortunately, we are human and do make mistakes.

The issue at hand is too many officers are being killed in the line of duty. Whether is by a traffic accident, a volatile situation or they were executed. Have there been mistakes, yes. Does more training Ned to occur, yes. I always lived my law enforcement career that I could learn something everyday. I strived to do that.

Once again, this thread is not about the media, community activists or politicians, it is about paying tribute to those that serve our communities and have sacrificed their lives so that we can be safe within our homes, streets, and elsewhere. They were sheepdogs, protecting the sheep from the wolves. I may be retired and walk among the weak or sheep, but make no bones, I am and will always be a sheepdog!

Today we lost another officer in Colorado Springs. We don't know everything that occurs, but we know another sheepdog was sacrificed, RIP brother.