Damn... I'll have to sneak a purchase in then.The face is sapphire just like a Rolex. Can't crack it.
You're absolutely right bro.El Oso looks great too. @ChuckMejia go for it, your a big baller like that
I can; text, make and take calls, use apps, ask Siri questions and she's better on the watch for some reason, remote for my tv, control and play music. Oh and I get updates when you guys comment on posts and threads. Lol. Oh email as well. Too much to list. It's the single best tech thing I've bought since the phone.Those are all pretty sweet!
The big question for me is, how do you like the watch? What can I do with it, and why should I get one in addition to my iPhone?
Haha yes I like Tats but another reason for all the Tat pics is there were so many available on my google search.Loving the way the LC looks, you must like Tat. thanks for posting these, look better than I imagined
Do a caldwell background ... I heard it makes for a tighter fit.Ok, dumb question and I don't feel like using google right now. How do I customize the face on mine, like you did above. Just got mine today, and want to change it. Thanks