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Fanduel or Draft Kings

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Oct 7, 2015

(I'm thinking of investing some, not serious, but too much to just call it fun, cash in fantasy sports. Can anyone tell me which one is better for a: fun, and b: potential winnings)
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Jan 31, 2015
Buffalo, NY
I honestly don't trust either one of them. :cautious: I'm not against gambling, but both sites seem incredibly sleazy and too good to be true. :shifty: I'd rather invest $500-$1000 in a traditional fantasy league, where your odds of winning are a helluva lot better.

My $.02!! ;)


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Jul 1, 2014
I play Draft Kings and enjoy it, but never have done Fan Duel. My advice would be to ask your friends which they play and do the same. That way you can play head-to-head/private leagues with them. For me its more fun going against guys you know and talking smack.

I really only do it for fun so I'm no help as for potential winnings, sorry. Either way I'm sure you will enjoy it, it definitely makes the football season more interesting.


Ruler of Grayskull
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Feb 15, 2015
Buffalo NY
I know guys that use fanduel and they seem to like it, but they are non stop doing spreadsheets at work instead of actually working and are non stop on their phones no matter where they go. The $200 matching offer is complete bs, so do your research on that. My main 3 reasons for not doing it are:
1 I don't want to be completely glued to my phone everywhere I go, refreshing all the time to see how I'm doing. Sunday with my regular fantasy team is enough.
2 You are playing against experts. Some of these guys have quit their jobs to play full time, doing hours of research everyday. These pro players will have upwards of 60 lineups everyday.
3 I'm sick of the bombardment of advertising. This is silly, but a real pet peeve of mine.

I don't judge anyone that plays, and while I can see the benefits of playing (like regular fantasy games), it's just not for me.
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Jul 13, 2013
Waconia MN
I play at draftkings which I enjoy more since its full point ppr and there is no kicker rostered, so it eliminates some of the variance. Just remember that it's extremely hard to be profitable on either major DFS site.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
My feeling on this is that you need to be careful. If you are just in it to have fun that's one thing but don't expect that you are going to strike it rich like the people they are showing in their advertisements. IMHO that type of advertising is going to catch up with them very soon and they will be banned like internet poker was in the 90's if they are not careful. you might also want to check out this interesting article on the subject that I read recently. http://www.wired.com/2015/10/daily-fantasy-sports-scandal-fanduel-draftkings/ The most interesting thing that I read here was the following quote (red text added by me).

Yes, the prizes in daily fantasy games often go disproportionately to the top players. And it’s true, the payouts can sometimes be a lot. In fact, a Bloomberg story from earlier this year described the tactics from Saahil Sud, a top-ranked player, who claimed to have won more than $2 million from playing daily fantasy sports this year. But Sud also admitted to spending between eight and 15 hours a day working on his lineups, and having about $140,000 in play on any given day. Another strategy he employs: using custom-built predictive models and computer software to crunch the numbers and increase his odds of winning. But, just like in plain old gambling, where these kinds of hacks are also common, Sud’s mathematical methods aren’t a silver bullet for winning games.
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Oct 16, 2015
fanduel here but have never tried draft kings, go into it with realistic expectations and play either free or dollar leagues for a few weeks to get a feel for how competitive it is.
I am profitable right now But I lost every entry the first couple of weeks.
I do a lot of research and I enter multiple lineups and usually have 1 lineup that saves me weekly and 3-4 that bomb.
It works for me because I play triple and quintuple ups .
I don't play big bucks and it for fun so it makes it fun for me. I would never do it to make money I rely on or I would be a nervous wreck all the time. My advice is play with money that is purely expendable and enjoy it.
For me winning or even losing a dollar make it more interesting to watch a team I really have no interest in, winning is just a free gift ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Cigarth Vader

Official Jedi of BOTL.org
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Sep 16, 2014
Southern California
I've been playing on FanDuel this season and so far its been pretty good to me. There are a LOT of factors that go into picking out winning lineups for tournaments (playing against tens of thousands of other player).

The best way to get started is to play the double-ups and triple ups. With these you only need to beat about 50%-65% of the field that's playing in order to "double" your money. (double is in quotes because FD takes what appears to be a 10% cut).

I don't spend hours a day working on it, I don't have spread sheets or any of that craziness. I spend about an hour each day listening to the "experts" on my drive into the office M-F and then on saturday i'll spend about 1-2 hours putting together lineups. Most of that is while I'm doing other things (read, sitting on the can with my ipad). I've made about $50 from my initial $200 and yes the "matching bonus" is total BS so just know that going into it.
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Nov 9, 2014
North NJ
I played both. I prefer the interface with fanduel, and I actually like not having a flex position. The big prize tournaments are obviously very hard, since there is thousands of entries (including multiple entries from a single person), but double/triple/quintuple up leagues are alot easier to win. You can also play in small 5-10-20 person leagues or go head to head. Not everyone is a pro, and luck can always play a big role. I play and have fun, and I'm up a few hundred bucks at this point.
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Feb 4, 2015
I like Draft Kings. As others have said, the key is realistic expectations. The guys who win big money are professional gamblers, and it would be foolish to think that average joes like us are going to compete with them. Outside of that though, it's a lot of fun seeing how you stack up against all the other fans out there, and it makes game day that much more interesting. For me, nothing else provides so much fun for 25 cents.