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What are you doing for Halloween?


Never Settle
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Jan 4, 2015
It sounds like there's a few of us here that like Halloween a lot. I know @knw247 is with me there. I get a kick out of how the kids, and parents, react to some of the props.

Anybody setting up a haunt or display for Saturday? Share 'em here!

My front yard. I'm going to try to get some pics of this at night when it is all lit up.

This guy is new this year...can't wait for the kids to see him. He yells and screams and jumps around. I'll post a video when I get a change.


It's dangerous to go alone, take this.
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Aug 15, 2015
I work till 6 myself but afterwards all the ppl in my parents cul de sac and a couple others do a huge block party/letter/chili cookoff while the kids trick or treat.

Bunch of my friends will be going over there with me for a grand time. Gonna be a hipster this year since I dont lime spending money on costumes and I had some crepe hair lying around.
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Dec 31, 2013
Hughesville, MD. USA
Love this time of year. Loved taking the girls trick or treating but they are all grown up now. Used to love all the kids coming around in their costumes and all the little moms that bring them...lol! ......now, we live in a very small neighborhood out in the woods and get no trick or treaters. Miss those days.
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May 20, 2011
We decorate the yard with a few signs, lights around the door and some interior stuff. Love this holiday, one of my favorites. I usually stay home, have drinks and a cigar while I hand out candy. My wife and daughter have 3 or 4 different neighborhoods(family & friends) that they hit to get a good pile of loot.

bcd30, that is nice of you. We were out of town last year for a hockey tournament & I was VERY APPRECIATIVE of the houses that offered me a drink/beer, as me and a few parents walked the pups around.
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Oct 18, 2015
Cicero, NY
Going to Bisbee Arizona to enjoy in the local festivities.
What do they do down in Bisbee for Halloween?
I love Halloween, will spend it this year driving back from Disney Land. Have not been able to enjoy it properly the last few years due to work. Won't be able to this year but this was a MUCH needed vacation so totally ok with that. Halloween had always been a party day for me since I was a kid.
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Mar 11, 2015
Mesa AZ
What do they do down in Bisbee for Halloween?
I love Halloween, will spend it this year driving back from Disney Land. Have not been able to enjoy it properly the last few years due to work. Won't be able to this year but this was a MUCH needed vacation so totally ok with that. Halloween had always been a party day for me since I was a kid.
The week before they do a big street dance in the front of the Copper Queen Hotel and it's kind of a big deal for tourists and residents. This weekend most of the bars will be having costume contests and basically drunken shenanigans. We're going to a party in the basement of some old building in town, should be interesting.
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Feb 13, 2015
Hometown, USA
Unfortunately, this Halloween was a major disappointment! I enjoy seeing the kids out having a good time! However, this year was full of ungratefulness (mainly from the adults). I've never seen so many parents tell their kids that they need to be asking for more, more, more! Such a shame! My neighborhood is full of folks that come from less fortunate surrounding areas, at this time of year. The kids seem to really enjoy showing off their costumes, and getting some treats. Parents these days amaze me with their sense of entitlement. Wonder where the kids get it from! Hmmm! Why not let the kids be kids and just enjoy the day! Off my soap box now! I just hope that I've never shown that much ungratefulness here! I truly cherish everything that I've ever been gifted, and enjoy the gifts that I can share with others! I hope everyone else had a better expierence than what I witnessed this evening!
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Jun 8, 2015
Went trick or treating. Sad we went 4 blocks, maybe 1/8 of houses giving out candy and saw only a few other goups out. Neighborhood used to come alive, especially on a Saturday. The weather was very nice too. Might just decorate the house and spend the time scaring the kids next year.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
We live in a subdivision that is damn near country. Some of the parents took their kids to more populated subdivisions. We decided to stay here. It was rainy and we drove car to house to keep him out of the rain(our subdivision is less than 30% complete) . Most neighbors had a bowel out if not home. All the way up to individual bags made up for the kids. I'm glad we made a decision to stay here.

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