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Update1: Moving to Denver & thinking of downsizing

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Dec 22, 2010
Ok guys, I'm probably 95% committed to accepting a major transfer from the Orlando, FL to the Denver, CO area.

Here's the deal, other than what we have heard and seen online, we don't know squat about Denver! Nothing! I've only been through that airport about 2 times in 15 years. That's it. What I can't explain is how excited we are about taking this new adventure on. It's pretty out of character though as we both like to research and plan.

Some questions for brothers with experience in the following two areas:

1. We are thinking of downsizing from a 3,000 sq ft+ home on 1/2 acre to a high rise. We've always dreamed of living in a high rise like place once we become empty nesters. Have you done this or something similar? Advice? Experiences? What to avoid?

2. Any experience with smoking cigars in Denver? How do condos and high rises work? Other than college (when I didn't smoke) I have only owned single dwelling homes where I can do what I want. Does smoke free community mean that the roof top patio and side balcony are smoke-free too? Can you smoke in city parks?

A lot of questions. A lot of concerns. Exciting but frightening as well. I really want this to be an awesome experience for us without just being an expensive life lesson.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for the info and words of encouragement. I will definitely look Wicket up when I get there.

My appointment to my new position was announced at work today at 2:30pm. My phone has been BLOWING UP ever since. It's a good move. It's been a great day. A little sad to leave my team here in Orlando, but they are ready to move onward and upward as well. Gonna be an interesting new year!

Had to light a special one in celebration. tonight. Thanks guys.

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Jan 15, 2014
Staten Island, NY
Best of luck to you bro! I was so close to moving from NY To AZ .. The only thing that stopped me was that they wanted me to come down for a final test and meet on the week of my wives due date, for the week lol. I begged and pleaded for a different week, but all out of state applicants go that week. So I know full well all the stresses your going through. Hope all works out well, if it's what you want to do just do it. Don't listen to yourself lol.

Good luck!


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Oct 12, 2015
Fort Worth, TX
Good luck with the move, I just moved from Colorado Springs to Texas a few months ago. Colorado is a great state if you enjoy the outdoors but isn't the most smoking friendly state.
I don't believe smoking is banned in Denver parks however it is banned in many other cities such as Colorado Springs and Golden. Unfortunately with the weather this may not be enjoyable more than 1/2 of the year and don't be surprised if Denver passes an ordinance banning tobacco in city parks sometime in the future.
Cigar tax is 40% which makes it difficult to support your local B&M.
Indoor smoking is banned statewide with the exception of cigar shops and bars (few other minor exceptions such as a smoking lounge in DIA).
Smoking ban uses a 15' from entrance rule. Some bars have gotten around it by creating elaborate closed in patios.
Private residences are exempt from the ban but you would have to check with the condos management company to find out about there specific rules.

Definitely a change of scenery from Florida, hope your move goes smoothly.
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Mar 18, 2014
Herriman Utah
This is cool. I will have to look you up when i come into town. Thinking late spring at the moment. Have old High school friends we want to visit. Also hit up @Wicket he lives in Arvada which is northeast denver
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Jul 22, 2014
Scottsdale AZ
Congrats on the move, I moved from Denver in 2000 so I don't know about the new smoking rules but if you are outside of town be prepared for some wicked traffic. That said be also prepared for some nice weather It is pretty nice year roud some snow but it's not to bad. Learn to ski and have some fun! :cigar:
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Aug 12, 2012
Awesome for you. We just did a city change, but not nearly as far as you are. We went from a 2200 sq ft home to renting a 1000 sq ft apartment with 2 kids while we save up a bit more cash for a house. It has been fun learning new surroundings.

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King Kill 33

BoM Dec '13
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Feb 19, 2013
Minot, ND
I've been to Denver and definitely like downtown. It has a nice feel/vibe for sure. Best to check with @Wicket as he lives fairly close and may be able to answer a few questions specific to cigars/smoking/etc.
