Well, I decided to make the transfer today. All of the sticks I want some age on went to the coolerdor today. Everything was going just fine until I got to t he one stick I wanted to hide away until graduation or something of similar significance, my Cameroon Shark.... :frown:
It has mold... unless plume forms in small fibrous spots
luckily (although it may have been the cause) it was in the cello, and none of my other preciouses were affected. Anyway, just wanted to let you know, pay attention to your children, or they go bad on you
I had a spot all picked out for it in my "I'm a Fuente whore box" with it's opus and anejo bretheren... oh well
It has mold... unless plume forms in small fibrous spots
luckily (although it may have been the cause) it was in the cello, and none of my other preciouses were affected. Anyway, just wanted to let you know, pay attention to your children, or they go bad on you
I had a spot all picked out for it in my "I'm a Fuente whore box" with it's opus and anejo bretheren... oh well