Yes I just few weeks back picked up tin of 3 for like 58.00 on an order from cigarplace letting set for the new year ring in had a 6x48 the other day and it rocked only issue I had at all it did tend to want to go out but it was due to me taking a load of time smoking it! Didn't want to hot box it the draw was very easy and smooth it would have been easy to over heat and I don't mind picking a lighter up to add a little heat if needed!
The smoke was very thick and creamy, well balanced medium in strength but very pleasing all around construction was spot on like all Fuente offerings, I do wish they were a little more affordable but try the anejo it is very nice also I have 10 on the way as we speak, I couldn't resist the free box offering from Famous Smok on the Liga Privada so I placed my 518.00 dollar order Sunday all will be here tomorrow I'll place few pics of this off load to the humidor!! For Sure!!!