Wives don't always put-out. Maids on the other hand...its called a wife...
Wives don't always put-out. Maids on the other hand...its called a wife...
This made me laugh way too much!Guys idk why you are still talking about your plans....
It would appear that @jmartins already won, it is a sad sad day
I wouldn't be surprised if it hit 1 Billion by tonight before the drawing, that's just crazy. Imagine becoming a billionaire just by winning the lotto!Its at 900 million!!!!!!!
^ I love this goofball.....I would set aside 50% to donate to the various charities, organizations etc.
Of the remaining money, 50% would go to my family and friends.
That would leave about 100 Million for me (if there the 1 time payment was around 400 mill) to do what I want and set my kids and their kids, kids and their kids, kids, kids up for life.
Hunting property would be a must. Thats all I really want, a place to escape and hunt with my friends.
Of course, with money like that, you have to pull some pranks. I would send @99TRILLS and @Smoqman on a vacation to a really nice place. Then I would have their houses packed of all their personal stuff. I would proceed to literally blow up both of their houses and leave a little map/riddle where their old houses stood. The maps would lead to a nice little townhouse in South Minneapolis where they would live beside each other in harmony!!!! Of course there would be a badass house for each of them on Lake Minnetonka to "escape" to if they needed. hahah
4. Start building a family compoundSince we are talking in cronalogical order and I can't spell
1. Hire lawyer finacial consultant/planner/accountant
2. Invest 100,000,000 in a garenteed 7% asset management account
3.start a charitable investment account which I would manage myself
4. Start building a family compound
5. Buy a house in the Philippines a st maarten Germany and Paris
6. Have a paid for herf quarterly at diff locations sticks provided drink and food provided travel paid
7. Many many other things
Another (much more simple) stat: if you don't play, you have exactly zero chance of being a billionaire - or a multi, multi millionaire (after taxes)Coming from a poker and statistics background this article is a very good read for the expected value of your $2 dollar investment. Slightly stats heavy for non number nerds, but a good article.http://www.businessinsider.com/powerball-lottery-expected-value-jan-9-draw-2016-1
I want to know also.Where can I find a 7% guarantee portfolio?