BOTL - If you follow us on Instagram (@TheCrownedHeads), you've probably already read our 'list of gratitude' for an amazing 2015.
That said, I wanted to reach out here on BOTL and thank all of YOU who've supported Crowned Heads. I've said it before but it bears repeating (over and over): We can't do it without YOU. It's safe to say that we don't do things the 'usual' way--we don't advertise, we don't do in-store 'appearances,' we don't 'play the game' the way it's typically been played before us. I'm not saying our way is the 'right way'--some may like what we do, while others will continue to 'hate'--but it is OUR way. It truly is OUR "path" we've carved and continue to thanks to those here who 'get it' and who support it.
Jon Huber
Crowned Heads
That said, I wanted to reach out here on BOTL and thank all of YOU who've supported Crowned Heads. I've said it before but it bears repeating (over and over): We can't do it without YOU. It's safe to say that we don't do things the 'usual' way--we don't advertise, we don't do in-store 'appearances,' we don't 'play the game' the way it's typically been played before us. I'm not saying our way is the 'right way'--some may like what we do, while others will continue to 'hate'--but it is OUR way. It truly is OUR "path" we've carved and continue to thanks to those here who 'get it' and who support it.
Jon Huber
Crowned Heads