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Worst ever?

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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
I have half a box of John Bull coronas sitting next to me right now, lol... not the best budget smoke by any means, but possibly my favorite for when I just need a smoke and don't want to waste a real cigar. It's essentially a cigarette for me, given what I use them for.
Careful, mine also hatched beetles in my cooler. This was 5 years ago, so not sure if they've changed at all. But it tasted like nothing. and had the strength of air.
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Feb 4, 2015
Careful, mine also hatched beetles in my cooler. This was 5 years ago, so not sure if they've changed at all. But it tasted like nothing. and had the strength of air.
They don't deserve the cooler, they sit in my garage-lounge. Which is just like a normal garage, except with a desk, a laptop, and my smoking accessories.

And if they hatch beetles, I'm isolating them and starting a mini beetle farm in a tupperware for my own personal amusement. (Far away from my real cigars, of course.) Ideally, I'd like to breed them and separate them into various control and experimental groups, and go from there. Might as well have some fun with them, right? :D


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
J Fuego Origen and La Herrencia Cubana core.

Those two in particular helped cure me of my c-bid shopping sprees.

Baha'i Blue fits into that category as well
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Jun 9, 2015
E.P. Carrillo E-Stunner. Was gifted one from a shop manager who loved Sumatra wrappers and wanted me to try one. This was Sumatra done wrong. Tasted of sour piss. One of very few cigars I haven't finished. Have had other Sumatra wrappers after that that were quite good.
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
Some on these lists I actually like. Not sure what that says about me...

Any ghurka I've ever had
I tried a Heisenberg a week or so ago and it was a special kind of awful. I had high hopes.

I once was placing an order of something from Thompson back in the day and they offered me a bundle of gold labels for $5. I should have bought a cheeseburger. Smoked one, threw entire bundle into the fire pit.

Those are a few- though there are many on the list.
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Mar 15, 2016
I have found that while many Gurkhas have really sucked, they have gotten profoundly better over time sitting. This coming from experience with buying 5ers and forgetting about the other 4 way in the back of the humi 4-6 years ago
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Jan 30, 2016
Lanark, Ontario
Surprised by all the 5 Vegas hate here. Far from being high end sticks, don't get me wrong, but the Classic line is a good knock around smoke.

Worst experience I ever had was a CAO Italia. Tasted like rotten eggs. It was awful.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
Surprised by all the 5 Vegas hate here. Far from being high end sticks, don't get me wrong, but the Classic line is a good knock around smoke.

Worst experience I ever had was a CAO Italia. Tasted like rotten eggs. It was awful.
I tried almost all of the 5 vegas stuff when I first started smoking and of all of them the only one I ever actually liked was the A series. The rest all had some characteristic which put me off


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Feb 9, 2016
King George, VA
Last year, I bought a sampler. It was a sampler advertised as "Dominican treats" and offered as a grab bag. You had no idea what you were getting, but the cigars were $1.00 a piece. Yeah, I know. Stupid.

A few days later they arrive. I open the box and find twenty cigars, none of them "rang a bell" as far as names go. I randomly pull out a cigar that has a band that says "Alabama State Retirement Agency".

A few draws into that one and I was disgusted. Talk about nasty, it was like nothing I had ever experienced. I ended up throwing the entire sampler in the trash.
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Jan 19, 2016
York New Salem, PA
Last year, I bought a sampler. It was a sampler advertised as "Dominican treats" and offered as a grab bag. You had no idea what you were getting, but the cigars were $1.00 a piece. Yeah, I know. Stupid.

A few days later they arrive. I open the box and find twenty cigars, none of them "rang a bell" as far as names go. I randomly pull out a cigar that has a band that says "Alabama State Retirement Agency".

A few draws into that one and I was disgusted. Talk about nasty, it was like nothing I had ever experienced. I ended up throwing the entire sampler in the trash.
I made the same mistake but I think it was called the dominican grab bag. I might have rather had a bag or actual dog turds. I smoked a "U.S. Marine Corps" cigar and threw the rest away.


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Feb 9, 2016
King George, VA
I made the same mistake but I think it was called the dominican grab bag. I might have rather had a bag or actual dog turds. I smoked a "U.S. Marine Corps" cigar and threw the rest away.

That is the one! I believe the description for the grab bag stated "tasty little treats". That couldn't have been any farther from the truth.

I also received the "U.S Marine Corps" cigar, which was the largest cigar I've ever owned. After the first "tasty treat", it went in the garbage with the rest of them. Most of the other cigars in the grab bag looked like they were company giveaways with corporate logos on them. One can only dream of having a humidor full of "Omni-Tech" cigars....lol