I'll add the Neanderthal (HN or SGP) and the CroMagnon from RoMa.
Also the Viaje 50/50 Black, although I've read the new release isn't the same as the original (which I have). If you want a little guy that packs a lot of body/flavor, my hands-down favorite is the Tatauje Cazadores Petite.
Also the Viaje 50/50 Black, although I've read the new release isn't the same as the original (which I have). If you want a little guy that packs a lot of body/flavor, my hands-down favorite is the Tatauje Cazadores Petite.
Recently I had a RomaCraft knuckledragger Aquitaine as well as a LFD Double Ligero. I thought both were pretty awesome full bodied smokes.
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