The "balance" is sort of a mystical subjective intuitive thing that involves burniness, strength, flavor, aroma. People talk about balance in cigars, food, liquor, etc. It's a combo of things in each case. In cigars there are obvious issues: we want max flavor but not max nic, etc. I ran several blends through my mind that fit that formula after it came to me and they were good and were typical Cuban recipes, e.g. 111, 1.5/0/1.5; I then ran things that didn't fit the formula and they were not as good: too strong (for me, or in general), not enough burn, too weak, not enough flavor, not enough aroma, whatever. So then I tried it with things that were close; like the value was 5.5 or 6.5 and looked at what tweak I could make that would bring it back to 6 while maintaining leaf count; and this made what for me subjectively (which is why we roll, so we can do what subjectively pleases ourselves) was a better stick.
I came up with this for fun. But I also found that it kinda works, too. Right now I'm working on a JavaScript script that will solve it for various parameters. Because I enjoy doing that kind of thing. Which is why we roll.