Well, first off, Brians son for President... lol smart kid!
But yeah I have witnessed a similar issue here at the gold coast of Queensland Australia, where a young family of, forgive my ignorance but I was at a distance "Asian" decent, were having fish n chips and had sat down close to the war memorial. Not to take anything away from the vets, because not I nor the kids in this video could ever truly understand what it was like, and if those kids could be transported back for a day to witness what those vets went through on any given day, they probably would have accepted his wishes regardless of his anger that was no doubt "not really about the kids". That is of course assuming he didn't kindly ask them to leave and they said "get bent grandad" and then the film miraculously started. Lol you never know
My father always made sure I was very respectful to ex-service men and woman, tried to explain the full extent of what it was like, we have a long line of service history and I'd imagine his father did the same to him etc and unfortunately that led to me having a very dim view of the world these days (my generation absolutely included in this). I used to think, how can this guy be complaining about this, how can this person be abusing this poor young waiter because something wasn't quite so right about their meal. How can they not sacrifice the "Medium Rareness" of their steak for the greater happiness of everyone at the restaurant, when their grandfather sacrificed whole limbs and didn't complain about it? I know that's a poor example but this mind set pretty much transferred to every situation in my life!
That was until very recently, at a herf, with a man who's seen a thing or two!
@Lindseylucc and I had somehow gotten onto the topic after a few too many stones ginger wines, of just how piss weak everyone has become with nonsensical "struggles and whines" of the modern era.
And then Lindsey said something that changed my view on everything forever... They died so you can be a pussy, they sacrificed so you can whinge, and think your problems are the worst ever!
And I thought you are spot on! The freedom to be whatever you want is exactly why they sacrificed, human nature did the rest!
Now when I see first world problems I smile and think good job diggers! haha!
Thanks Lindsey!