Let me lay it out for you like this: Famous is a site sponsor here. That means that with some other good people, they help pay the cost of what it takes to keep this site up and running. And since I log onto this site several times a day and it has put me in touch with lots of very cool people who happen to share an interest in a hobby that I enjoy, I'm very grateful to them and all the others for doing so. On top of that, at no obligation to do so, they offer me a 17% discount on whatever cigars the manufacturers will allow. Because of their sponsorship and that discount, whenever possible, I will try and make my online cigar purchases from them or one of our other site sponsors. Sometimes however, for whatever reason, I will find a very good deal elsewhere that I can't seem to pass up. It happens, and everyone understands that. What I can't understand is the hubris of a guy who's been here all of a week, when he finds out the code doesn't work on everything, starts a thread to complain that he's not being given enough. I'm not saying just buy from them no matter what, but maybe don't call them out like you're being ripped off.