Reuses old rumors.^^^ Actually knows how much wood a woodchuck can chuck. ^^^^
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> doesn't care<. Not a rumor....Reuses old rumors.
^Pissed in his bath water. Guess it's slightly better than that one time he shit in his bath water.^^^ can't go to sleep until he spends 10 minutes licking his own toes.
^asked @Omerta to keep this thread on the front page. @jkittle99 just won't let this insanity die already.^^Drank said bath water...
^Foolishly thinks people around here are nice.^^^ Ratted on a buddy ^^^
^^^ Thinks CEO is Circumstantial Elephant Orgasms ^^^^^^Had to look up how to spell CEO.^^^
^^^ Cleaned up after us with his tongue. ^^^^^ gave an elephant a circumstantial orgasm...
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