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for all you drunk drivers...


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
We have this problem bar in town, called the Boar's Nest. Seems they tend to over-serve and there's been just a few drunkards coming out of that place.

One night, mr. california highway patrolman decided to monitor the place around closing time (0200 hrs). As the first patron walked out, mr. chippie had a winner! The unsuspecting goof stumbles into the parking lot. fumbling with his keys, he attempts to get into his car. He tries for several minutes, as others leave the bar. finally, loser walks to another car, trys the key again, and, whala, unlocks the door and sits in the car.

mr. chippie is salaviting by this time, "come on, pull out onto the road!!" the dupe turns on the car. turns off the car. turns on the car and operates the windshield wipers. turns off the car. mr. chippie is biting at the bit....

this continues for 10 more minutes as the parking lot becomes empty. finally, the drunk pulls out of the parking lot and is immediately lit up by mr. chippie. Upon contact, mr. chippie informs the man what he had witnessed and asked him if he'd been drinking. the guy says, 'no sir.' mr. chippie performed a variety of field sobriety tests, which the man passes with flying colors. dismayed, the officer tells the man that he was going to perform a breathalyzer test. the man agrees, and blows 00. quite bewildered, mr. chippie recalibrates the PAS device and has the man blow again,,, 00.

by now, mr. chippie is quite perturbed! "I've been watching you since you left the bar. tell me, how could you act so drunk and not be?" the man answered, "simple,,, i'm the designated decoy!"

Texas Cop

Cavalry Scout
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Dec 12, 2004
Ft. Sham Houston, TX
Good joke, I love this one every time I hear it! The ending I heard though was a little different:

officer: How can you not be drunk at all, are you the DD?
man: Yes I am
officer: You're the designated driver? Why are you stumbling around and acting so strange?
man: No sir, I'm the designated decoy ;-)

But seriously, for you (not you, as in BOTL, I'm fairly certain none of you guys would do that) that drive drunk, F**k you! Grow up, call a cab, call a friend, call me, call someone...


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Good joke, I love this one every time I hear it! The ending I heard though was a little different:

officer: How can you not be drunk at all, are you the DD?
man: Yes I am
officer: You're the designated driver? Why are you stumbling around and acting so strange?
man: No sir, I'm the designated decoy ;-)

But seriously, for you (not you, as in BOTL, I'm fairly certain none of you guys would do that) that drive drunk, F**k you! Grow up, call a cab, call a friend, call me, call someone...
I'm a little buzzed my Brother, I am at Morton's Steak House in Chicago...can you come get me? :wink:


June '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
yea I quit doing that... i used to drive way the hell too much but I have gotten good about it now...


June '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Somebody I know actually flipped his car over a bridge last night into a creek bed 20 feet down.. Truck landed upside down and he and the passenger both walked away....

2 years ago he got a MIP
and now he has gotten
another MIP
A reckless driving DUI
Leaving the scene of an accident

Freakin dumbass is 20