A polished turd is still a turd. Life is too short to smoke the shit sticks. If it isn't doing what you want, pitch it and grab something else.My JR alts taste better than this rolled cardboard and dung stick. Bleh. Pretty wrapper though.
Then it's not just me. I bought 3 from a friend in Philly in 2009 or 2010. For 10 bucks a piece. I don't know where he got em but he was friends of some connected guys up there. Anyway 2 were in perfect shape and one was broke (free). I smoked the first one that night and the other two over the next 2 nights. I'll never forget the flavor profile of those cigars. I've had a couple robustos that were awesome, but I cant even use words to describe this experience. I smoked them in a utility closet off my porch at the cheap duplex we lived in at the time. I was about 24. I remember the creamy honey taste the most. Makes every other stick I've ever tried look like another hobby. I can see it in my minds eye like it was this morning. Jesus that was something. Boxes are like 6 or 7 hundred bucks. I hate to say it but what I had was worth that. I'd love to find singles somewhere.An aged Chohiba Esplendidos is one of the last great indulgences in this world IMHO. Dang near as good as sex....especially at my age.
tasty? i like the blanco line. those have some age on them
It's not bad at all, a nice mellow enjoyable smoke. Thanks!tasty? i like the blanco line. those have some age on them