^^^Loves the smell of queef in the morning
Wore his giant vagina costume to the Women's march.^^^^ Packs his chew under his ball sack before work.
I removed my Tapatalk Signature for Chuckie!
W(h)ore his giant butt plug to the proctologist's office.Wore his giant vagina costume to the Women's march.
^^^ IS my giant butt plug ^^^W(h)ore his giant butt plug to the proctologist's office.
Sent from my iPhone using duct tape and tinfoil
^^^ Undergoing extensive therapy ^^^^^^^Currently under transition^^^^^
^^^ Is the benefactor of said gofundme page ^^^^^^Has started a gofund page for ice buckets and reverse donkey show in TJ^^^
^^^Is confused about the meaning of "alternative" ^^^^^^^^^Has never not lived an alternative lifestyle.^^^^^^![]()