[note my tongue firmly planted in my cheek] You wanted flaming? OK, let it begin. You like aromatics? And English blends? Seriously? Yuch! You are tasteless. If you are not smoking only Virginias and VaPers (Virginia/Perique blends), then you may as well just get out of here. We have no use for you! [tongue taken from cheek]There is potential for a small flaming for posting this here but I can take it! I only smoke pipes now after being a cigar guy for a few years, and I won't be venturing into the cigar area much if at all.
Been a pipe guy for a couple years now, and love it. It's like meditation. Id say my leanings are 50/50 aromatics vs English blends and Virginia perique blends. My "cellar" is paltry in comparison to what I've seen around here. Some of you boys are die hard collectors!
I'm a former personal trainer and full time photographer for work and hobby.
Don't know what else to say! I've already had a damn good welcome from 8ball and some other gents.
Welcome aboard, there are great folks here, just ignore me and you'll be OK.
Whatever you smoke... cigars or pipes... aromatics, Latakia blends, burley, VAs, VaPers, whatever... there is only one person you need to make happy with by what you are smoking - YOU!!!
And, there is probably someone here who has the same tastes as you.
Peace of the Lord be with you.