This has been quite a learning curve and I wonder how much importance goes into our experience with each smoke. First of all I live in Louisiana which is almost rain forest humidity levels most of the time. Temperature today is 78 with 58% humidity. Which is quite dry for us. My humidor is 70 degrees with 70% RH. Most of you don't agree with this. I plan to smoke this afternoon. My thoughts are: How is this going to play into my experience with smoking today? Am I going to have a good burn, am I going to have problems with my sticks splitting or cracking from the heat as I smoke. I don't think many of us consider this. We tend to blame the cigar, "that was a bad stick had lots of burn issues and so on". I think more because we have our sticks in a humidor at ?? temp & ??% RH and remove it to smoke into ?? temp & ??% RH and never consider how that affects our smoking experience. We are quick to call "Bad Cigar" without realizing the big change from humidor to atmosphere causes the real burn issues. I may be totally wrong here but I am thinking out loud, if you will. This thinking has been determined from multiple experiences with cracked cigars while smoking in cold weather and little humidity to hot weather with 100% humidity.