Hey a topic I can actually answer in great detail.
For non-Cuban production most factories employ anti-beetle fumigation at almost every stage of the process. The moment the tobacco comes out of the curing barn it is fumigated, and then at staged intervals along the process it continues to be fumigated, even when it's in the escaparate they have strips up to detect beetles and they do periodic fumigation. The escaparates are also climate controlled to control not just for beetles but for mold as well. Then many larger factories will put their boxes in a cold or frozen room prior to shipping to make sure there are no beetles hatching in the long hot journey to the US.
In Cuba, things are a bit different. There is no fumigation employed at any stage of the production process. There is no climate control in the escaparate, but they do employ a giant walk in freezer (I've had the opportunity to tour it, massive) at factories for products designated for exportation.
I don't freeze any product I get that is Non-Cuban, whether I'm bringing back custom rolls or product from Nicaragua. I do absolutely freeze cigars I bring back from travels to Cuba, by double zip lock bagging them, bringing them down to around 0 degrees Freedom for at least 3 days.