I just posted in another thread and wanted to clarify my curiosity about the situation. I retired from the USPS in 2012 due to an old back injury after 15 year of service. When I was in the whole mess about Cuban cigars was confusing... I was a city carrier and we didn't play a part in seizing or confiscating things. We did have LOTS of classes concerning Customs and what could be shipped or not (ESPECIALLY after the anthrax letters post 9/11, etc). I am not wondering about sources, I'm simply curious about the apparent hard on that Customs has in FL for this apparent block of shipments. I talked to an old friend who is now Postmaster just the other day when I saw this post and he was the one who told me about the Customs/Cuban expat-Cuban background folks. That's why I was wondering if the source was Caribbean and that they got the stink eye for them.
I apologize if it seems like I was fishing...I assure you guys I am not and I would NEVER press for a source to gain some kind of advantage or otherwise. My apologies if it came across that way.