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Sep 1, 2015
Central Maryland
:p No need to use brutal honesty good man... lol... the stick was delicious! #51 :D It was an honor to smoke your creation... to have it in my house and to cremate in my sanctuary. My thoughts were that this was made by the hands of another roller whom I've grown a respect and appreciation for... I thanked you for the stick as if I was thanking God for my food... I considered your craftsmanship as I toasted it and was very proud of and for you. The wrapper was 45degrees on the nose and beautifully draped. No prominent veins but if it's a San Andres Wrapper I wouldn't expect there to be. The body appears to be mold pressed. My initial inspection of the your stick appeared to be both an accordion style outer filler and an entubado style bunching technique at the core with minimal veins (which I love). From the foot color spectrum, I suspect it was a three or four leaf blend using 1/2 or less leaf per type? I could taste the seco in there ... the seco and the wrapper bounced off of one another nicely as dominant in the flavor profile without throwing the stick off balance... this was noticed more on the retrohale. The pepper was present but not dominant. No harshness... no aggressive after bite in the back of my throat... no lip response... all as expected from a mild blend. No negative after taste lingering or coating my mouth. The draw on the tongue traveled straight down the center of my palate which I attribute to the stick size. The draw was clean and of medium volume... not too little or too much in the nature of cloud production. For me it was a mild-med blend... earthy but nutty... meaty like chicken and not like steak :p producing a fuller flavor while remaining light of strength... nicely married. It burned with a fairly level ring although, it was a fast burn which was my only disappointment... it was leaving me too soon :p However as a mild body it is understandable considering mild blends don't usually contain denser leaves, which produce a slower burn. The initial smell of the body was very nice... no glue mess and the cap was delicious having no other taste than the leaf... cold draw was tasty and clean. I bit my cap off so I could get a clear look at the finish under the cap :p Well done! Other than spitting out the cap there were no loose pieces to spit out on the cold draw. The wrapper never separated from the body although I could see a little loosening in the final third. Absolutely no biggie :p It was not a barn yard blend... ie. no shittiness in the dry aroma or in the cloud. Upon toasting the blend, the roast release was clean and savory, the foot did not burn black so no evidence of excess glue was discovered. The body had no pockets once warmed... meaning the leaf distribution in the bunch was consistent full length... because of that I expected a straight ash the entire burn and the expectation was met perfectly. Hard draw test did not negatively impact the burn indicating the leaves were equally distributed within the bunch. What your stick says to me about the roller... you are a perfectionist, a precisionist at least ... you pay considerable attention to detail and you value quality over speed... you are in love with the nature of tobacco, you have an intimate understanding of the leaf... you respect the legacy in your hands... you are light hearted but intense... you are a good lover in bed and out... you are passion driven and have a drive to fully experience life... haste equals waste in your life and so you value your investments... investing wisely however lavishly of soul and frugally of funds... you maybe naughty but you are nice and yet somewhat reserve... I suspect in many ways you are more patient with the stick than you are with yourself... you derive pleasure from the creative process as well as from the indulgence of your own creations however you are likely to overly criticize your own blends... you are balance seeking and you take life to heart... you are a gratifier but be good to yourself to achieve maximum gratification, gift yourself more credit... you're doing just fine... All around... BRAVO to you and it was a pleasure tasting your stick. ~xox
I like your review style. 


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Jun 3, 2015
Arcadia, IN
The followup blend from my first nica habano seco blend. That one had criollo ligero, way too spicy and peppery.

This one has dominican ligero and DAMNNNN she is good! Little baking spice on top of that Brazilian coffee goodness. Medium bodied, full smoke output.

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