Here is a pic of the 43 pipes I am currently working on. I was only able to finish around half today. I hate stems. My fingers are going to hurt for weeks and I still have 20 some more to go. I have to remind myself to stop trying to do these in such large batches. I hate to waste resources though so I do a large batch at a time instead of one or two. I try to restore each one like I was going to keep it for my collection so I do take my time on each one. I actually tossed back 2 stems I had done because I just wasn't happy with them. Probably would have gone unnoticed by most people but they are starting the entire process over until they are right. When these are done my problem will be deciding which ones I am adding to my collection. As I've worked on them I grow fond of more of them then I originally intended to keep. I'll post up some finished pics and maybe some before and afters. Hopefully they will ALL be done this weekend.