CRA #99997657
I'm getting to make cigars for the first time and am curious how many of you organize your rolling bench or area.
You are a wise and practical man. Thank you.In the old days they rolled on end grain maple blocks. Pros still do. These days, some of us amateurs roll on marble, some roll on tile, some roll on metal sheet, some on bread boards, some on bamboo boards. I have even rolled on 1"x15" pine board intended for closet shelves. I watched ReMix roll on her little carry case that she brought the goods in, using that for a board. The one and only kind of board that I have never heard of someone rolling on ... Dom, you know we love ya, but no one to my knowledge has ever contrived to roll a cigar on a keyboard. Take the plunge, make a half dozen gars, and don't worry about how, what, or where. What's the worst that could happen?
Way back in another life when I was wandering the broad Pacific on my home built schooner, people used to ask me all the time : "Where'd you learn how to build a boat?", and I would spread my palm out in front of them and answer: "There." and say: "It's in the doing that things get done." Many years later, I read this from Goethe: "Thought is easy. Action is difficult. To act in accordance with our thoughts is the most difficult things we have to do." Then along came Nike, who simply trademarked "Just do it."
But... WHERE IS THE WHISKEY?!Literally bunch wherever or however. I bunch while watching TV or things (typically go games on go servers) on the PC screen. Sometimes outside, where I put my board on a little cafe table in the garden where I typically read and smoke. Or on the veranda if it's raining. Or on the floor if it's night. To bunch all you need is a board, a knife, and some leaf, and you can put a board anywhere. I have a big plastic thing with my leaf in it. I usually keep that in a corner in another room but often bring it into the living room and put it on the floor. I dig out the fillers I want and put them on the top of the pile and yank leaf from there as I go and let the crumbs fall back into the big plastic thing.
I wrap either at the computer, on the coffee table, or various places outside if it's nice out and not too windy. All the details are visible in my million bunching and wrapping videos. Glue to my right. Scraps bag to my left. Bunches wherever the mold is, usually on the floor somewhere. Wrapper in a plastic bag somewhere. Casquillo probably on the floor somewhere, likely rolled under the PC case.
Why not ask where is the air? It's just there. It's everywhere!But... WHERE IS THE WHISKEY?!
I apologize, ridiculous question. Just like my household, booze in every room and crannyWhy not ask where is the air? It's just there. It's everywhere!
How do I know? I can't see it! If I can't see it, how do I know it's there?Why not ask where is the air? It's just there. It's everywhere!
How do I know? I can't see it! If I can't see it, how do I know it's there?
It never sleeps, either.It is like gravity my friend, whether or not you see or aware, it is there.