The cap is on the cigar is for no other reason than to give it a finished look. Purely decorative. After all, you cut it off to smoke the cigar or you cut most of it off. So many times there is a small ring of the cap remaining that eventually comes off and gets caught in your mouth and you have to pick it or spit it out.
I've had many commercial cigars come loose and distract from my smoking pleasure. (like my $10 Warped cigar did two nights ago
) Not only did the remains of the cap come off but the flag began to unravel as well. Why? Did they not use a strong glue or not enough glue or big enough flag? It sure looked nice but it didn't perform well.
Putting tradition aside, my goal was to make cigars that didn't come apart. Using the longest flag possible I shoot for twice around the circumference and wider than usual. Many flags are traditionally made shallow for the sake of appearance. Since I wanted the cigar wrapper to remain connected I opt for a deeper flag and using the strongest glue I could find. In a scientific test they discovered gum tragacanth to be the strongest by a pretty wide margin. For example, 10 times stronger than gum arabic. ( also tasteless and colorless)
Most cigars I do for myself are finished in a nice pigtail. Cut'em, smoke'em and they stay intact and NEVER unravel No need for the cap as it does nothing. Really.