CRA #99997657
So now I'm sitting on over a kilo buck of leaf, not including molds and other equipment but I'm quite satisfied with my choice of taking the first steps.
You must be mistaken. There has never been a finer leaf:Current inventory
Dominican Cigar Binder WLT (this stuff is shit)
I'm hooked! I'll post a pic of my leaf pile.You must be mistaken. There has never been a finer leaf:
Bro, you got to 1k smackers down the leafhole even faster than I'd guessed you would.
Not so hard to do as it sounds. You can blow a key on just 30 pounds of leaf, which is not that much. Throw in some molds & stuff... and there you are.So now I'm sitting on over a kilo buck of leaf, not including molds and other equipment but I'm quite satisfied with my choice of taking the first steps.
Not done yet. Wait till you smoke one of those mystery stix and find out it is dynamite but now you have no clue what blend went in it.Did you ever have a "bad rolling day?"
Man, nothing cigar related went right last night.
The plan was to roll 12 sticks according to the test blends I did yesterday. Normally I'll get everything prepped, lay out leaf in piles, left to right as I use them. I had everything ready and it was going pretty well... until.... I rolled three great looking cigars then it went to shit. I had a glass of wine and spilled it all over half of the leaf piles that were splayed out. While mopping it up, the wine soaked leaf piles got mixed up. After that I didn't really care much so I just rolled with what I had. I made no effort to make 'em pretty I just slapped them together. Who knows how they will turn out.
Oh man, such a good plan down the tubes.
Looking good
Here’s mine I rolled last night fresh out of the mold.
Cleaned the excess up a little.
The little on made from the scraps. Now to attempt putting a wrapper on them.
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Webmost, of course.Trivia question. Who used the phrase “sniggly bits?”