Cuban's are the forbidden fruit we in the USA have a hard time getting. It is like a Ferrari, or other high dollar vehicle only a few can afford.
Honestly Cuba is still operating like a third world county, but people forget that most of the Cuban's made are sold to retailers, and consumers out of the USA where the trade is not restricted.
My friend recently spent a month down under working in Australlia, and Cuban were for sale at about $50.00 US per stick. He bought home with him 50 sticks.
Are their Cibars made in the Domicitican Repulbic, and Nicagraga almost as good, as or better then Cuban's from many dollar less. I think so, but other who are hard core Cuba lovers will alway say NO.
The guy who brought back 50 was over the other night, he had a Cuban he had to cut off $20.00 of the Cigar to get it to draw. I laught as he chopped out the bad part, and finally got it too draw good enough to to smoke.
Maybe if I was loaded with dollars I would fly to Canada or Mexico every other week and bring back 100 Cubans. But I do not have that amount of money to blow.